Stopping Music Services Concerns


In South Carolina, laws protect children from sex offenders, but these laws focus on the offender, not their spouse. You can contact local law enforcement, report to the local child welfare agency, or speak to the parents of the children involved. If the convicted rapist is not violating parole or probation conditions or the South Carolina Sex Offender Registry laws, law enforcement may not intervene. Consulting with a lawyer for further advice is recommended.

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I am trying to stop a piano teacher from providing music services to children because I found out that she is married to a convicted rapist
Hello ****, I understand your concern. In South Carolina, there are laws to protect children from sex offenders. However, these laws are primarily focused on the offender, not their spouse. You might want to consider:
- Contacting local law enforcement
- Reporting to the local child welfare agency
- Speaking to the parents of the children involved
Please remember that this advice is general in nature, and specific legal advice should be sought for individual situations.
I called the law enforcement and told me that they can't do anything about the guy being around children
Hello ****, I understand your concern. Based on South Carolina law, if the convicted rapist is not violating parole or probation conditions or the South Carolina Sex Offender Registry laws, law enforcement may not intervene. However, you could:
- Inform the parents directly
- Contact the local child welfare agency again
- Consult with a lawyer for further advice.
Hello ****, I hope the information provided was helpful. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask. Your vigilance in this matter is commendable. Stay safe.
thank you
You're welcome, ****. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Remember, it's important to ensure the safety of children, and every piece of information helps.