Sexual Assault Claim Guidance


In Tennessee, if a child claims sexual assault, report to Child Protective Services and consult a family law attorney. Seek professional counseling for the child and keep records of statements. An order of protection may require more than just a claim; evidence is usually needed. Consult a local attorney for detailed guidance.

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My daughter has claimed that she has been sexually assaulted by her father. But, since these claims have come out, she has said it never happened. What do I do?
Hello ****, I'm very sorry to hear about this situation. It's important that you handle this sensitively. If you're in the U.S., here are some general steps:
- Seek professional counseling for your daughter.
- Report the initial claim to your local law enforcement.
- Consult with a family law attorney.
Can you please confirm your location?
Hollow Rock, TN
Hello ****, it's a very sensitive matter. Here are the steps you can follow in Tennessee:
- Report to Child Protective Services: *-*-*-*.
- Consult with a family law attorney.
- Seek professional counselling for your daughter.
- Keep all records of your daughter's statements.
Please remember, these are general suggestions and it's crucial to consult with a professional.
Will I be able to get an order of protection against the father just by her claiming sexual assault?
In Tennessee, an order of protection can be granted if there's reasonable fear of harm. However, a mere claim might not suffice. Courts usually require some form of evidence. Consult a local attorney for specifics.