Dropping Protection Order Steps


To drop a protection order in Washington, you generally need to file a motion, attend a hearing, and wait for the judges decision. While a lawyer is not mandatory, resources like the Northwest Justice Project and the CLEAR Hotline can provide free legal assistance for low-income individuals. Courts also offer self-help resources.

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I was just trying to figure out what steps to take to drop a protection order
Hello Shayna, to better assist you, could you please tell me the jurisdiction or location where the protection order was issued? Different jurisdictions may have different procedures.
Hello Shayna, in Washington, to drop a protection order you generally need to:
*. File a motion to the court.
*. Attend a hearing to explain your reasons.
*. Wait for the judge's decision.
Please consult with a local attorney for detailed procedure.
Is a lawyer needed? Im low income
While a lawyer can be helpful, it's not mandatory. Washington state has resources for low-income individuals:
*. Northwest Justice Project: Provides free legal assistance.
*. CLEAR Hotline: Offers legal advice over the phone.
Remember, courts usually have self-help resources too.