Student Loan Debt Responsibility


In Idaho, a community property state, both spouses may be responsible for debts incurred during the marriage. However, the responsibility for student loans can vary. Consult an immigration or family law attorney in Idaho for specific advice.

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I am on F1 visa, and married to a US citizen. If my spouse take student loans while being married will I still be responsible for her half.
Hello ****,
- Generally, student loans are considered separate debts in most U.S states.
- However, if you live in a community property state, you might be equally responsible.

Could you please tell me which state you are residing in?
Idaho, and I am not a resident
Hello ****,
- Idaho is a community property state, thus, both spouses may be responsible for debts incurred during the marriage.
- However, student loan's responsibility can vary. It's best to consult with an immigration or family law attorney in Idaho for specific advice.