Filing Divorce With Minors


To file for divorce with minors in Georgia, you must file a complaint in the Superior Court, serve your spouse, and agree on child custody and support. If you cant agree, the court will decide. Representing yourself pro se involves obtaining and filing the necessary forms, serving the other party, and attending court dates. Legal advice is recommended due to the complexity of cases involving minors.

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Hello ****, thank you for reaching out. Can you please specify the legal issue you are facing in Georgia, so I can provide appropriate information?
Divorce with minors
Hello ****, here's the general process for filing a divorce with minors in Georgia:
- File a complaint for divorce in your county's Superior Court.
- Provide a copy (service) of the filed complaint to your spouse.
- Both parties need to agree on child custody, visitation, and support.
- If you can't agree, the court will decide these matters.
Please consult a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
How to go pro se
Hello ****, to represent yourself "Pro Se" in Georgia for a divorce with minors, follow these steps:
- Obtain the necessary forms from the county clerk's office or online.
- Fill out the forms, including the child custody and support details.
- File the forms with the court.
- Serve the other party with the papers.
- Attend all required court dates.
Please remember, self-representation can be complicated, especially in cases with minors involved. Legal advice is recommended.