Lawyer Communication In Court


Your lawyer can request communication with the opposing party if their attorney agrees, following ABA Model Rule 4.2. In California, you can file a legal malpractice claim if your attorneys negligence caused significant damage. Courts can reschedule cases if a party fails to appear, but repeated absences may lead to a default judgment.

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Can my lawyer talk to the opposing party about court outside of court
Yes, your attorney is permitted to speak with the opposing party outside of court, but it's usually done through their attorney. This follows Rule *.* of the American Bar Association's Model Rules of Professional Conduct.
Can i file for breach of contract if my attorney turns in orders late
Yes, you may be able to file a claim for legal malpractice if your attorney's late actions caused damage to your case. However, this depends on the laws in your location. Could you provide your location for more specific information?
In cali can i fild for breqch of contract if my lawyer turns orders in late
Yes, in California, you could potentially file a legal malpractice claim if you can prove:
- You had an attorney-client relationship.
- The attorney was negligent.
- The negligence resulted in significant damage.
- There was a direct link between the negligence and the damage.
If the opposing party in fanily law missed court more then once is the court allowed to just push the date durther
Yes, the court can reschedule if a party fails to appear, but regular absence may lead to penalties. However, this can vary based on location. Could you please specify your location?
In cali if the opposing party doesnt show up to more then one court date can the court rescedual or do they have to move forward
In California:
- The court can reschedule the case if a party fails to show up.
- However, repeated absence may result in a default judgment.
- The decision is at the court's discretion.