Marital Dispute Over Entertainment


Allison is experiencing discomfort due to her husbands interest in a sexually explicit series. She feels that it negatively impacts their intimate relationship and wants him to stop watching it. She has tried communicating her concerns, but feels misunderstood. She is seeking advice on how to effectively express her feelings and find a compromise that respects both their boundaries.

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I am being conflicted with my husband watching a series based around sex and it offends me in a way of him looking at other women and getting aroused but it's not me.
I understand that you're feeling uncomfortable with your husband watching a series that involves sex. Can you tell me more about your concerns and what you would like to achieve?
I feel as though when he comes to me aroused afterwards he it is only because of the series he wasn't aroused by me and now is just using me to overcome himself but leading me to believe that it's me arousing him and not the series when it really is. I just wish he will understand and know that I don't approve him watching it and I would honestly be happy if he stopped watching it.
I understand that you're feeling insecure and concerned about your husband's behavior. Have you talked to him about your feelings and concerns regarding the series he's watching?
I have, and he just tells me that he watches it because of the story but the story revolves around sex and every episode is a rape or sex scene so how can you enjoy a story when its revolving around that.
It's important to have open communication with your husband. You can express your concerns about the explicit content and how it makes you feel. It may be helpful to suggest finding a compromise or exploring other forms of entertainment that both of you can enjoy.
I'm afraid if I do, he would think it's leading to a agreement and I'm trying to stop him from doing something or watching something he enjoys
It's important to have a conversation with your husband about your feelings and concerns. You can express that you're not trying to stop him from enjoying something, but rather seeking a compromise that respects both of your boundaries.