Probation Rules Modification Process


Summers husband, Taylor, is on probation and currently receiving mental health treatment at Joshua Glover House in Milwaukee. The probation includes a no-contact rule, which Summer wants to be dropped. She has expressed her concerns to the probation officer and written to the judge but has not received a favorable response. She also wants a $3500 bond to be dropped. Her husbands public defender, William Nelson, has not been responsive to their requests. The next court hearing is scheduled for September 12th.

Full Conversation

It's my husband
What specific legal issue are you facing with your husband, ****?
Taylor has mental issues such as bipolar and add. ADHD depression
Is Taylor receiving any professional help for his mental health issues? It's important to know that mental health issues can be considered in legal matters, especially in family law.
He's been abusive , repeater
I'm sorry to hear that, ****. Have you reported this abuse to the police?
Have you considered filing for a restraining order against Taylor?

General Information:
- In many states, domestic abuse is grounds for obtaining a restraining order.
- Your local court can provide more information.
He's served little time in county and is on probation
What are the terms of his probation?

General Information:
- Violation of probation terms can lead to severe penalties.
- Contact your local probation office for more details.
Currently is in Joshua glover facilit
What is the nature of his stay at the Joshua Glover facility? Is it part of his probation terms?

General Information:
- Probation terms often include mandatory treatment or rehabilitation programs.
- Contact Joshua Glover facility for more details.
The probation isy.main issue.
What specific issues are you facing with his probation?
For the last yr she has said no contact
What is the nature of the "no contact" condition? Is it a court order or part of the probation terms?
He hasn't physically hurt me in a long time
Is the "no contact" condition being violated currently?
He's getting help
What kind of help is he getting and from where?
We are married. I want it dropped
What specific condition or order are you looking to have dropped?
Joshua glover house is a rehab place
What is the exact location of Joshua Glover House?
Intense therapy
What is the exact address of the Joshua Glover House where your husband is receiving therapy?
What is the nature of the therapy he is receiving at Joshua Glover House in Milwaukee?

General Information:
- Joshua Glover House, Milwaukee, WI, provides intensive therapy for mental health issues.
- Contact: (*) *-*.
From anger management to parenting to relati onships
What is the impact of these therapies on his behavior?
He has done a * degree turn around. He seems like a different person
That's great to hear, ****. Are you looking to modify the "no contact" condition due to these changes?
He is all about religion righting his wrongs
Has his religious transformation been recognized by his therapists or probation officer?
His therapist yes not his officer
What steps have you taken to communicate these changes to his probation officer?
His officer main goal is keeping us apart and now his mom an him too
What specific actions has the probation officer taken that makes you feel they are trying to keep you apart?
For the last yr no contact and now she has the judge agreeing with her and put a no contact on him and his mom
What is the name of the judge and the court where the no-contact order was issued?
He didn't do anything physical to us this last time. We called on him for mental help and that took him to jail
What is the name of the judge and the court that issued the no-contact order?
The judge didn't issue one. It's just a rule of probation
What is the name and contact details of the probation officer?
But the judge is in green lake county
What is the name of the judge in Green Lake County?

General Information:
- Green Lake County Circuit Court, Wisconsin.
- Contact: (*) *-*.
And his po is in Monroe county Michelle
What is the full name and contact details of the probation officer, Michelle, in Monroe County?
Yes that's the number
What is the full name of the probation officer, Michelle, in Monroe County?
There's only one judge in green lake county
What is the name of the judge in Green Lake County?
Ok just a sec
What is the full name of the judge in Green Lake County?
Mark T Slate
I'm sorry, but I didn't understand your response. Could you please clarify what you need assistance with regarding Mark T Slate?
Is the judge in green lake county
Yes, Mark T. Slate is a Circuit Court Judge in Green Lake County, Wisconsin. His office is located at * County Road A, Green Lake, WI *. Phone: (*) *-*.
What can I assist you with regarding Judge Mark T. Slate or a legal issue in Green Lake County?
He agrees with the probation officer that there should be a rule of no contact (for over a year) between me and my husband and now his mom and him
What is the reason for the no-contact rule? This will help me provide you with more accurate information.
He didn't do nothing physical to us. He just needs mental help which he's finally getting
What is the current status of the no-contact order?
Ansolutely no contact
What is the duration of the no-contact order?
There isn't an order. Just a rule of probation
What are the specific terms of the probation rule regarding no contact?
Michelle Yaeger is po out of Monroe county
What is the specific issue or question you have regarding the probation officer, Michelle Yaeger, from Monroe County?
No talking no seeing idk
What is your question or concern about the no-contact rule imposed by the probation officer?
We are married. I want it dropped
What steps have you taken so far to have the no-contact rule dropped?
There is also a * bond I want dropped. His public defender isn't doing anything.
What is the reason for the $* bond and why do you want it dropped?
He is a repeater. That's the only reason. We have no means of him fleeing.
What is the nature of the repeated offenses your husband has committed?
I want it dropped so he can come home and not sit in jail until the court stuf is over
What is the nature of the charges against your husband?
He was verbal and loud and damaged property
What is the estimated cost of the property damage caused by your husband?
Not much. Couple hundred. He cut his arms
What steps have been taken to address your husband's mental health issues?
He just now is in a house getting help . It's been * yrs begging his po to help him mentally
What is the name of the mental health facility where your husband is currently receiving treatment?
Joshua Glover house Milwaukee
What is the specific legal assistance you are seeking in relation to the situation at Joshua Glover House in Milwaukee?
After he is done at the glover house in Oct I want him to come home not return to jail. If the no contact is gone and bond is gone this will be able to be done
What steps have you taken to request the removal of the no-contact rule and the bond?
I have asked his public defender to request these things and he has not done s
What is the name of your husband's public defender?
William Nelson fondulac wi.
What is the specific issue you have with William Nelson, your husband's public defender?
He doesn't return phone calls. He doesn't do what we ask. He doesn't address issues we ask him to
What specific actions have you asked William Nelson to take that he has not addressed?
We asked it bond to be addressed and no contact to be addressed
What was the response of the court when you asked for the bond and no-contact rule to be addressed?
Mr Nelson never asked the court to do anything
What is the current status of your husband's case in court?
It's pending he hasn't went yet. It's still in the process
What is the exact charge your husband is facing?
Distruction of property, harming an elderly which is his mom and he didn't touch her, disorderly conduct repeater
What is the evidence against your husband for the charge of harming an elderly person?
What is the next scheduled court date for your husband's case?
She says he didn't do it
Who is the "she" that you're referring to?
His mom
What is your mother-in-law's stance on the no-contact rule and the bond?
He broke a lamp shade and a fishing pole
What is the estimated cost of the broken lamp shade and fishing pole?
* bucks his mom said
What is the next step you're planning to take in this case?
We want the no contact dropped and bond dropped and we would really like the charges reduced if not dropped . We called for mental help not charges.
What is the date of your husband's next court hearing?
Sept *
What is the current status of your husband's case after the court hearing on September 12th?
Hearing status
What was the outcome of the hearing on September 12th?
It's just set for another hearing status
What is the date for the next hearing?
Sept *
What was the outcome of the hearing on September 12th?
It hasn't happened yet
What is the current status of your husband's mental health treatment at Joshua Glover House in Milwaukee?
In treatment
What is the expected duration of his treatment at Joshua Glover House in Milwaukee?
What is your plan after your husband's treatment ends in October?
Do not know
What is your husband's probation officer's stance on the no-contact rule and the bond?
She is the one who put it in effect
What is the reason given by the probation officer for implementing the no-contact rule?
No reason. Except that he needs to work on himself
What steps have you taken to communicate your concerns with the probation officer, Michelle Yaeger?
I've told her how I feel and she knows it's ridiculous
What was the probation officer's response when you expressed your feelings about the no-contact rule?
She ignores me
What steps have you taken to escalate your concerns about the probation officer's response?
Written the judge
What was the response from the judge after you wrote to him?
No response. Just that it stays in place.
What is the nature of the letter you wrote to the judge?
Just that we didn't want the no contact
What was the judge's reasoning for keeping the no-contact rule in place?
Didn't say
What is the nature of your husband's probation?
Disorderly conduct, battery,domestic violence
What are the specific terms of your husband's probation for disorderly conduct, battery, and domestic violence?
I don't know. Can you help
What are the terms of your husband's probation as stated in the probation order?
I don't know
What is the exact duration of your husband's probation?
* yrs
What are the conditions of your husband's probation, apart from the no-contact rule?
Normal conditions
Normal rules
What are the "normal rules" you're referring to in your husband's probation conditions?
It's just normal probation
What are the specific conditions of this "normal probation" your husband is under?