Understanding No Contact Orders


The user, located in New York, has been issued a no contact order from the family court due to allegations of harassment. The user claims these allegations are false and is seeking advice on how to prove his innocence. He has applied for a public defender and is awaiting appointment. The user has also been advised to contact the New York State Bar Associations Pro Bono Net for potential free legal assistance.

Full Conversation

I was issued a no contact order from family court alleging harassment
What state are you located in, ****? Different states have different rules regarding no contact orders.
New york
What specific allegations were made against you in the no contact order?

In New York:
- No contact orders are issued to prevent harassment, stalking, or threats.
- Violation can lead to criminal charges and penalties.
Harrassment in the 1st or 2nd degree and aggravated harassment in the 1st or 2nd and disorderly conduct.
What actions led to these allegations?

In New York:
- Harassment in the 1st degree is a class B misdemeanor.
- Aggravated harassment in the 2nd degree is a class A misdemeanor.
A short term relationship ending. No abuse accurred
What evidence was presented against you to support these allegations?
I have not seen the evidence only they statement made
What is the name of the court that issued the no contact order?
St lawrence county family court
What is the duration of the no contact order issued against you?

St. Lawrence County Family Court: * Court Street, Canton, NY *, Phone: (*) *-*.
A six month temporary order was issued
What steps have you taken since the order was issued?

In New York, you may request a hearing to present your side or consult with a lawyer.
I have filled out form to have a public defender appionted and appeared for the initial court date
What is the date of your next court appearance?
October 4th
What is the outcome you're hoping for from your next court appearance?
That the recognize the order was gained through false allegations
What evidence do you have to support your claim that the allegations are false? In New York, presenting substantial proof can help in getting the order modified or dismissed.
Right now just my word
What steps are you taking to gather more evidence to support your claim?
I tried gathering video evidence of her placing herself close to me during the times she cliamed i was harrassing her. Got no cooperation from the apartment complex i live at
Have you considered seeking legal advice on how to properly gather and present evidence in court?
Arent i innocent until proven guilty. Why should i have to have proof?
While you are indeed presumed innocent until proven guilty, presenting evidence can help refute the allegations against you. Have you considered hiring a private investigator?
I am very poor
What type of legal aid resources have you explored to help with your case?
Only a public defender
Have you contacted any non-profit organizations that provide free legal aid in New York?
Legal aide of new york but they said the have no lawyer for that trpe of case
What type of case did you tell Legal Aid of New York you needed help with?
Defence for a falsely obtained no contact order
Have you tried reaching out to other organizations like the New York State Bar Association's Pro Bono Net for assistance? They might be able to help.
I have not
I recommend reaching out to the New York State Bar Association's Pro Bono Net. They may be able to provide free legal assistance for your case.
How do i contact them
You can contact the New York State Bar Association's Pro Bono Net at (*) *-* or visit their website at www.nysba.org for more information.
Thank you
You're welcome, ****. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your case.
Are you an ai system
Yes, I am an AI system designed to provide general legal information and help you navigate your legal issue.
If i show that there is reasonable doubt that i committed the act the pationer would that be enough to get it dismissed
What type of evidence do you have to show reasonable doubt? In general, presenting substantial proof can help in getting the order modified or dismissed.
She claimed i wrote things in a public place that were not written by me. Cliamed i looked i her window which is on The second floor and it is not possible to she in her place from the ground.
Do you have any witnesses or any other form of evidence to support your claim that you didn't write those things or look into her window?
Its my word agai ts hers
Do you have any written or electronic communication that could support your claim?
What is the name of your public defender? They might be able to guide you on how to gather evidence to support your claim.
Dont have one appointed yet
What steps have you taken to get a public defender appointed for your case?
I have filled out the necessary forms and called to make sure they recieved them and they were correct
What is the status of your public defender application?
It is being processed by the family court
What is the expected timeline for the appointment of your public defender?
I wasnt given one
What is the next step you've been advised to take while your public defender application is being processed?
I was advised to follow the order. Nothing else
What is the specific nature of the order you were advised to follow?