Pregnant Womans Protective Order


The user, a pregnant woman in Connecticut, has a protective order against the father of her unborn child. She wants to modify the order to allow communication for prenatal support. The chat advises her to contact the issuing court, Hartford Judicial District Court, to request a modification. The court will consider her current circumstances, the nature of the protective order, the reasons for the modification, and potential safety risks. The user is also dealing with a disorderly conduct charge related to a domestic violence incident. The chat advises her to prepare for her upcoming court hearing and to consider her concerns about the protective order in relation to her pregnancy.

Full Conversation

what are my rights in ct as a pregnant girl with a protective order and wanting to modify due to pregnancy
What specific modifications are you seeking to the protective order due to your pregnancy?
i want to be able to communicate with the father of the pregnancy for prenatal support
What is the current status of the protective order? In Connecticut, you may request a modification of the order in court.
it is a full mo contact
What is the name of the court that issued the protective order?

In Connecticut, you can request a modification of the protective order in court.
hartford judicial
Hartford Judicial District Court's contact details are:
- Address: * Washington St, Hartford, CT *, USA
- Phone: +* *-*-*
You can contact them for modification procedures.
when i call what are they going to ask me
They will likely ask for your case number, name, and the specifics of the modification you're seeking. It's best to have this information ready.
what will they mean by specifics?
By "specifics", they mean the detailed reasons why you want to modify the protective order, such as needing to communicate with the father for prenatal support.
is financial reasons viable?
Yes, financial reasons related to prenatal support can be considered viable for a modification request. However, the decision ultimately lies with the court.
is circumstances such as being a college student viable?
Yes, being a college student can be considered, especially if it impacts your financial situation or ability to access prenatal care. However, the court makes the final decision.
needing the support a viable reason?
Yes, needing support, especially related to pregnancy, can be a viable reason for modification. However, the court will make the final decision based on all circumstances.
what will the court look at?
The court will consider:

- The nature of the protective order
- Your current circumstances (pregnancy, financial situation, etc.)
- The reasons for the requested modification
- The potential risk to your safety.
im concerned that because of the fact that my case is domestic violence, thr court eill deny the modification
What is the nature of the domestic violence incident that led to the protective order?
what do you mean by the nature?
By "nature", I mean the specific details or circumstances of the domestic violence incident that resulted in the protective order.
Could you please elaborate on the term "disorder" in the context of your domestic violence incident?
disorderly conduct
What were the specific actions that led to the charge of disorderly conduct?
smacking of the fact
What were the consequences of the disorderly conduct charge?
what consequences
What were the legal outcomes or penalties as a result of the disorderly conduct charge?
whet are some examples of outcomes
Outcomes could include fines, probation, community service, or even jail time. It depends on the severity of the disorderly conduct and the court's decision.
there have not yet been any legal outcomes
What is the current status of your case regarding the disorderly conduct charge?
i am still attending court hearing
What is the next scheduled date for your court hearing?
* weeks
What is the name of the court where your hearing is scheduled?
hartford judicial
Hartford Judicial District Court's contact details are:
- Address: * Washington St, Hartford, CT *, USA
- Phone: +* *-*-*
You can contact them for your upcoming hearing.
what do i contact them about
You can contact them to inquire about the process for requesting a modification to your protective order due to your pregnancy and financial needs.
can you asl
I'm sorry for any confusion, but as an AI, I don't have age, sex, or location. How can I assist you further with your legal issue?
can you ask courts within the same state the same questions or does it have to be at the place of yojr
You can ask the same questions to courts within the same state. However, the court that issued the protective order (Hartford Judicial District Court in your case) would be the most relevant for modifications.
You can ask any court in the same state similar questions, but the court that issued the protective order is the one that can modify it.
how do I know if the protective order is the best case scenario?
What are your main concerns or fears that make you question if the protective order is the best scenario for you?
im pregnant
What specific concerns do you have about your pregnancy in relation to the protective order?