Mold And Parental Responsibilities


The conversation discusses the legal implications of mold in homes and the responsibility of parents or landlords to provide habitable housing. It also covers the rights of minors in making medical decisions and the legality of parental actions such as yelling at a child. The user is advised to seek help from trusted adults or relevant authorities if they feel unsafe or their concerns are being ignored.

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If my mom lets mold grow on are seling is that ok
Mold in homes can be a health hazard. In some locations, it's the landlord's responsibility to ensure the property is habitable. Could you please share your location to provide more specific advice?
I understand your concern. However, without knowing your location, I can only give general advice. Most jurisdictions require landlords to maintain habitable housing, which includes addressing mold issues. Contact a local legal aid service for more precise guidance.
Is it illegal for my mom to yell at me for using the bathroom at night
No, it's not typically considered illegal for a parent to yell at their child unless it crosses into abuse or harassment. If you feel unsafe, you should reach out to a trusted adult or local authorities.
Is it my choice at * to choose if i want to be put on pills
In general, minors can't make medical decisions without parental consent. However, some jurisdictions allow minors to make certain decisions. Can I know your location to provide more specific advice?
If my dad is trying to get me on medication and i dont wsnt to be on it cuz it ma ks me feel uncomfortable is thst illegal
In most jurisdictions, parents can make medical decisions for their minor children, but the child's opinion should be considered. If you feel unsafe, contact a trusted adult or local child protection services.
What if rhey dont care
If you feel your concerns are being ignored, consider seeking help from a trusted adult, school counselor, or youth advocacy organization. They can provide guidance and possible intervention.