Take Ex Husband To Court


To take your ex-husband to court for unpaid debts such as medical expenses, back taxes, and funeral costs in North Dakota, you need proof of the debt, proof of non-payment, and possibly a written agreement acknowledging the debts. You can file a civil lawsuit for debt collection, which falls under contract law. While not mandatory, hiring a civil litigation attorney specializing in debt collection or contract law is highly recommended to navigate the legal system effectively.

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how do i take my ex husband back to court for money he owes me
What type of debt does your ex-husband owe you? Is it related to alimony, child support, or property division?
In North Dakota, you can file a motion for contempt if it's related to a court order.
medical,back taxes and funeral expenses
What documentation do you have to prove these debts? In North Dakota, you can take your ex-spouse to court for unpaid debts. You'll need:
- Proof of the debt
- Proof of non-payment
- Legal representation is recommended
i have reciepts showing i payed everything
That's great, receipts are strong evidence. Do you have any written agreement where he acknowledges these debts? In North Dakota, written contracts have a *-year statute of limitations.
That's good. You can file a lawsuit in your local court. Do you need help finding your nearest court in North Dakota?
Is there anything else I can assist you with regarding your legal issue?
what kind of lawsuite
You would likely file a civil lawsuit for debt collection. This falls under contract law as it involves a breach of agreement.
do i need a lawyer
While it's not mandatory to have a lawyer, it's highly recommended when dealing with legal matters such as debt collection lawsuits. Lawyers can help navigate the legal system and increase your chances of success.
what kind of lawyer do i need
You would likely need a civil litigation attorney who specializes in debt collection or contract law. Is there anything else I can assist you with?