Cps Drug Screen Legality


CPS can request a drug screen if there are concerns about child safety. In Ohio, refusal to comply may lead to further investigation. Consult a family law attorney for guidance.

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I live with my mother who has custody of my kids.she amd my ex had court yesterday for visitation rights which was ordered by the judge.I was not summened to court nor was I required to be there.The gurdian in lithem even said I was not required to atteme but it would look better of I did then she tells my mother if I dont come give her a drug screen Iay be asked to leave the home.I refused the test because I was not even a part of the hearing.It had nothing to do with me.Now the guardian in litem said since I wouldn't screen for her she called cps.Now cps said that they are coming to my house amd I have to screen for them.Is this even legal.
What state are you located in? Laws regarding CPS involvement and drug testing can vary by location.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Can you clarify what "Oh" means? Are you referring to Ohio?
What is the exact reason CPS is requesting a drug screen?