Counter Restraining Order Process


You can file a counter restraining order if you have grounds and supporting evidence. Colorado law allows contesting a restraining order during a court hearing. Visit Yuma County Combined Court, complete necessary forms, and provide evidence. Filing before the court hearing is advisable. Collect relevant documents, witness statements, and organize your evidence clearly. Consult a local attorney for personalized guidance.

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Yuma colorado
Thank you for sharing that information. Here are some key points about restraining orders and eviction in Colorado:
- You can file a counter restraining order if you believe you have grounds. Evidence supporting your claim will be crucial.
- Colorado law allows you to contest a restraining order during a court hearing.
Would you like more information on how to file a counter restraining order in Yuma, Colorado?
~Nearest Court: Yuma County Combined Court~
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Ash St, Suite L, Wray, CO *

What specific details or forms do you need assistance with?
To file a counter restraining order in Yuma, Colorado:
- Visit the Yuma County Combined Court.
- Complete the necessary forms (available at the court or online).
- Provide evidence supporting your claim.
You might find it helpful to consult with a local attorney for personalized guidance.

Yuma County Combined Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Ash St, Suite L, Wray, CO *

Do you need help with locating specific forms or understanding the filing process?
To locate specific forms or understand the filing process for a counter restraining order in Yuma, Colorado:
*. Visit the Yuma County Combined Court website:
*. Look for the section on restraining orders.
*. Download and complete the necessary forms.
*. Submit forms along with your evidence at the court.
Would you like more information on any particular form or step?
Would you like more information on how to complete the forms or any particular step in the filing process?
Should this be done before the court hearing? Or should I wait to have all evidence to then
For your situation, it is generally advisable to file a counter restraining order as soon as possible, ideally before the court hearing. This allows the court to consider your evidence and claims concurrently.
Would you like more details on how to gather and present your evidence effectively?
To effectively gather and present your evidence for a counter restraining order:
- Collect all relevant documents, emails, texts, or any other communication that supports your claim.
- Gather witness statements if applicable.
- Organize your evidence in a clear and logical manner.
- Prepare a timeline of events to present a coherent narrative.
Would you like guidance on how to format your evidence or any other specific step?