Custody Concerns With Boyfriend


In Pennsylvania, your ex may request a custody modification if he believes your boyfriends criminal past is harmful to your kids. Courts consider the childs best interest, including safety and welfare. Factors include the childs needs, history of violence, relationships, stability, and criminal records. Past drug charges may be considered, especially if recent or resulting in convictions, while traffic charges are less impactful unless severe. If your boyfriend is on probation, the court will evaluate the reason, terms, and potential risk to the children. Each case is unique, and only a court can change custody orders.

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I have a boy friend with a criminal past, can my ex keep my kids aways
Hi ****, the potential impact on your child custody situation could vary depending on your location. Could you please provide this information?
Hello ****, in Pennsylvania:
- Your ex may request modification of custody if he believes your boyfriend's criminal past is harmful to your kids.
- Courts consider the best interest of the child, which includes safety and welfare.
- If your boyfriend's past presents no danger, it may not impact custody.
Remember, only a court can change custody orders.
What determins their safety and welfare
In Pennsylvania, the court generally considers the following factors to determine a child's safety and welfare:
- The child's physical, emotional, and educational needs.
- Any history of violence or abuse.
- The child's relationship with both parents.
- The parents' ability to provide a stable environment.
- Any criminal records of individuals in the child's life.
Would past drug and traffic charges hurt
In Pennsylvania:
- Past drug charges may be considered, especially if they resulted in convictions or are recent.
- Traffic charges are usually less impactful unless they involve DUI or reckless endangerment.
- Each case is unique and the court will consider all factors.
How recent
In Pennsylvania, there isn't a specific timeframe. Courts look at the nature, severity, and recency of the charges. They'll weigh these factors in light of current circumstances and any rehabilitation efforts.
What if partner is on probation
In Pennsylvania:
- If your boyfriend is on probation, it might impact the court's decision.
- The court will consider the reason for probation, its terms, and the potential risk to the children.
- A judge will evaluate each case individually to determine the child's best interests.