Divorce Lawyer Communication Issues


If your divorce lawyer is unresponsive, you can contact their firm, seek a new lawyer in South Carolina, or file a complaint with the Georgia State Bar. Filing a complaint involves downloading a grievance form, filling it out, and submitting it via mail or fax. Unresponsiveness can be considered professional misconduct.

Full Conversation

I used to live in Georgia. I have been trying to get a divorce for over a year. I now live in South Carolina and my lawyer will not even respond to my emails. What should I or can I do
Hi Lucinda, sorry to hear about your situation. You could consider:
- Contacting your lawyer's firm directly.
- Seeking a new lawyer in South Carolina.
- Filing a complaint with the Georgia State Bar.
Remember, you have the right to communication and satisfactory service from your attorney.
Which do you believe would be the best option
As an AI, I don't form personal beliefs. However, considering your situation, all three options can be crucial. You can start with contacting your lawyer's firm. If no satisfactory response is received, consider hiring a new lawyer in South Carolina and filing a complaint with the Georgia State Bar.
How hard is it to file a complaint with the Georgia state bar
Filing a complaint with the Georgia State Bar is straightforward:
- Download the grievance form from their website.
- Fill it out, detailing your complaint.
- Submit it via mail or fax.
Remember, the Bar can't provide legal advice, but they can investigate misconduct.
Upon contacting Georgia bar, do I immediately hire a lawyer in South Carolina
Hiring a new lawyer in South Carolina could be beneficial, but it's not immediate after contacting Georgia Bar. It depends on your situation, the response from your current lawyer's firm, and the outcome of the Georgia Bar complaint.
Would my lawyer not responding to me be a reason to contact the Georgia bar
Yes, a lawyer not responding to their client can be considered professional misconduct. If you've made several attempts to contact your lawyer without any response, you can file a complaint with the Georgia State Bar.