Change Meeting Location Request


To change the meeting location for child-related matters in Mower County, MN, you need to file a Notice of Motion and Motion form and an Affidavit in Support of Motion form. If there are no changes to custody, simply specify your request for the location change in these forms. Contact the Mower County Courthouse for further assistance.

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Mower county
To change the location of the meeting, you may need to file a "Motion to Modify" in your jurisdiction. As you're from Mower County:
- Fill out a "Notice of Motion and Motion" form.
- Complete an "Affidavit in Support of Motion" form.
Please contact Mower County Courthouse for specifics.
I see that asks about custody and all that do i ne3d to fill that out too ?
Yes, if there are changes regarding child custody, you should indicate them in the "Affidavit in Support of Motion" form. This allows the court to consider these factors when making decisions.
No changes i just need location meeting spot changed and didnt lnow if that was the correct papers to fill out.
Yes, the "Notice of Motion and Motion" form and the "Affidavit in Support of Motion" form are the correct papers to fill out to request a change in the meeting location. Specify your request clearly in your motion.
Ok thank you so much.
You're welcome! If you have more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Good luck with your request for changing the meeting location.
Thank you!
Thank you for reaching out! It seems like you're on the right track. As you're in Mower County, I would recommend contacting them directly for any further queries:

Mower County Courthouse

Phone:(*) *-*
Address: * 2nd Ave NE, Austin, MN *