Termination Of Guardianship Notice


In Illinois, termination of guardianship generally requires notice to all interested parties, including parents. If proper notice is not given, the termination can be legally challenged. Public notice may be allowed under certain circumstances but must follow specific legal procedures. Misleading the court about a parents whereabouts can significantly affect the case. If a lawyer fails to inform you or mishandles your case, you can file a complaint with the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) and seek a new attorney. You may also file a Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Judgment based on lack of proper notice and misinformation.

Full Conversation

No. The courts have no notice to father and judge gave permission to goto public notice
In Illinois, notice to all interested parties, including the father, is generally required for termination of guardianship. If the judge allowed for public notice, it may be an exception under certain circumstances, but the lack of direct notice could be challenged.
Did the father receive any form of public notice, like a publication in a newspaper?
He was publishing
If the father was publishing, it suggests that public notice was given, but the sufficiency of this notice could still be legally questioned.
In Illinois:
- Termination of guardianship typically requires notice to all interested parties.
- Public notice may be allowed in certain situations, but it must follow specific legal procedures.
- If adequate notice was not given, the termination could be contested.
Was the father's address unknown, leading to the use of public notice instead of direct notice?
No notice only public notice
In Illinois, particularly in Chicago, public notice can sometimes be a legally acceptable method if direct notice is not feasible. However, if the father's address was known, the use of public notice instead of direct notice could be contested.
- Termination of guardianship typically requires notice to all interested parties.
- Public notice must follow specific legal procedures.
- If adequate notice was not given, the termination could be legally challenged.
Was there a legal reason provided for not giving direct notice to the father?
Mother gave guardianship of daughter to friends while father was in cook county sheriff c custody
If the father did not receive direct notice and was in custody, this could be grounds to contest the termination of guardianship. Courts typically prioritize direct notice to all interested parties, especially parents.
One question: Was there a court order or any legal documentation justifying the use of public notice instead of direct notice due to the father's incarceration?
Mother lied and told courts she didn't know where i was but did know
In Illinois, the requirement for notice in termination of guardianship cases is strict, and if the mother misled the court, this could significantly affect the case. Here are some key points:
- Notice to all interested parties is generally required.
- Public notice can be used under certain circumstances but must follow legal procedures.
- Misleading the court about the father's whereabouts could be grounds to challenge the termination.
You may have a strong case to contest the termination of guardianship. Would you like to know more about the process to challenge this decision?
I have multiple questions can you help me with but using my previous wisdom
Sure! I'd be happy to help with more questions. What's your next question?
I have been fighting this for over a year the courts are in opinion biased and the lawyer i retained is being investigated by illiinois review board but withdrew
In Illinois, misleading the court about a parent’s whereabouts and failure to provide direct notice for termination of guardianship can be significant grounds for contesting the decision.
Given your ongoing legal battle and issues with your previous lawyer, I suggest considering the following steps:
- Consult a new attorney: Given the complexities and potential bias, a new legal perspective might be beneficial.
- File a complaint: If your lawyer acted unethically, continue with the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC).
- Challenge the termination: You may need to file a motion to contest the termination based on lack of proper notice and misleading information.
Would you like more details on how to find a new attorney or how to proceed with a specific motion?
What an
It seems like you may have a strong case to contest the termination of guardianship due to lack of proper notice and potential misinformation.
Would you like to know more about how to find a new attorney or how to file a motion to contest the termination?
What an i to do
You potentially have a strong case given the lack of proper notice and possible misinformation. Here are some steps you might consider:
- Find a New Attorney: A fresh legal perspective can help navigate the complexities and potential bias.
- File a Motion: Challenge the termination based on lack of proper notice and misleading information.
- Continue ARDC Complaint: Ensure the unethical conduct of your previous lawyer is addressed.
Would you like help with finding a new attorney or guidance on filing the motion?
What motion do i file i just got court order about lawyer withdrawing
You may need to file a Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Judgment based on lack of proper notice and potential misinformation. This motion requests the court to nullify its previous order due to procedural errors.
Would you need guidance on how to proceed with this motion?
Can i show you court other
Yes, you can show me the court order. This will provide a clearer picture of your situation and help me offer more precise guidance on your next steps.
It sounds like you have significant grounds to contest the termination of guardianship. You may want to file a Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Judgment due to the lack of proper notice and misinformation.
Would you like guidance on how to draft and file this motion?
I love this program i am addicted to your progt
I'm glad you're finding this helpful! Based on your situation, it seems you have a strong case to contest the termination of guardianship. Here’s a brief outline on filing a Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Judgment:
*. Draft the Motion: Clearly state the reasons for vacating the judgment, including lack of proper notice and misinformation.
*. Attach Evidence: Include any evidence that supports your claims, such as the court order and any documentation showing the misleading information.
*. File with the Court: Submit the motion to the court where the guardianship case was heard.
Would you like more detailed guidance on drafting the motion?
Program. And sorry for typing show
It sounds like you have a strong case to challenge the termination of guardianship due to lack of proper notice and misleading information. Here’s how you can proceed with filing a Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Judgment:
*. Draft the Motion: Clearly state why the judgment should be vacated, including lack of proper notice and misinformation.
*. Attach Evidence: Include any supporting documents, such as the court order and evidence of misinformation.
*. File with the Court: Submit the motion to the court that handled your guardianship case.
Would you like more detail on drafting this motion or assistance with finding a new attorney?
Please hold on
Since you've been fighting this for over a year and there's potential bias and mishandling, your case to contest the termination of guardianship seems quite strong. Filing a Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Judgment due to lack of proper notice and misinformation appears to be the right course of action.
Would you like more detailed guidance on drafting this motion or need assistance finding a new attorney?
I am having trouble trying to give case to look at
It sounds like you have a strong case to contest the termination of guardianship due to lack of proper notice and potential misinformation. Here's what you can do:
*. Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Judgment: Clearly state the reasons for vacating the judgment, including lack of proper notice and misleading information.
*. Attach Evidence: Include supporting documents like the court order, any emails, or letters from your previous lawyer, and proof of misinformation.
*. File with the Court: Submit the motion to the court that handled your guardianship case.
Would you like more detailed guidance on drafting this motion or assistance with finding a new attorney?
The case is on going i filed a year ago and if i was not given notice is that not is
Case Rating: *
It appears you have significant grounds to challenge the termination of guardianship due to improper notice and potential misinformation. Here’s what you can do:
*. Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Judgment
- Clearly state the reasons: lack of proper notice and misleading information.
- Attach supporting evidence: court order, any relevant documents.
- File the motion with the court handling your case.
Would you like more detailed guidance on drafting this motion?
If a GAL'S be bias in his report and know his report can and will be shown what motion do i need to file
To address potential bias in a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) report, you may want to consider filing a Motion to Remove the GAL or a Motion to Challenge the GAL's Report based on bias. This motion should outline specific instances where the GAL exhibited bias and argue how this affects the fairness of the proceedings.
Would you like more detailed guidance on drafting this motion?
To address potential bias in the Guardian ad Litem (GAL) report, you may need to file a Motion to Remove the GAL or a Motion to Challenge the GAL's Report. Here’s a brief outline for each:
*. Motion to Remove the GAL:
- State Specific Instances: Detail where the GAL exhibited bias.
- Provide Evidence: Attach documents or examples demonstrating the bias.

*. Motion to Challenge the GAL's Report:
- Identify Bias: Clearly outline biased elements in the report.
- Argue Impact: Explain how the bias affects the case's fairness.
Would you like more detailed guidance on drafting one of these motions?
Is there a time limit to file a motion
In Illinois, the time limit to file a motion can vary based on the type of motion and the specific circumstances of your case. Generally:
- Post-Judgment Motions: Typically, you have 30 days from the date of the judgment to file a motion to vacate or set aside the judgment.
- Appeals: Usually, a notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days after the entry of the final judgment.
Would you like more specific information on the type of motion you are considering?
If my lawyer did not tell me or challenged it months ago is it to late
In Illinois, if your lawyer failed to inform you or challenge a decision within the typical *-day period for post-judgment motions, it might still be possible to file a motion under certain circumstances.
- Motion for Relief from Judgment: Under Illinois law (* ILCS */*-*), you may file this motion within two years if you have a valid reason, such as newly discovered evidence or fraud.
Would you like details on how to proceed with this motion?
Yes i do
To file a Motion for Relief from Judgment in Illinois, follow these steps:
*. Draft the Motion:
- Clearly explain why the relief is warranted (e.g., newly discovered evidence, fraud, or your lawyer's failure to inform you).
- Cite Illinois law (* ILCS */*-*).
*. Gather Evidence:
- Collect documents supporting your claims, such as court orders, emails, or other relevant records.
*. File the Motion:
- Submit the motion to the court where the original judgment was made.
Would you like more detailed guidance on drafting this motion?
Do i need to notify with all involved
In Illinois, when filing a Motion for Relief from Judgment, you generally need to notify all involved parties. Here are the steps:
*. Draft the Motion: Clearly explain the basis for relief.
*. Gather Evidence: Assemble supporting documents.
*. Notify all Interested Parties: Serve copies of the motion to all parties involved in the original case.
*. File the Motion: Submit it to the court.
Would you like detailed guidance on serving notice to the involved parties?
If my lawyer sabotaged my case what am i to do first
If you believe your lawyer sabotaged your case, here are the immediate steps you should consider:
*. Document Everything: Gather all communications, documents, and evidence related to your case and your lawyer's conduct.
*. File a Complaint: Submit a complaint with the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC).
*. Consult a New Attorney: Seek advice from a new lawyer to assess your case and guide you on next steps.
Would you like help with finding a new attorney or guidance on filing the ARDC complaint?
How many motions can one file at one time without looking ignorant
You can file multiple motions simultaneously if they address different legal issues within your case. The key is to ensure each motion is well-founded and clearly presented. This demonstrates thoroughness, not ignorance.
Would you like specific guidance on drafting these motions?
Can you save them for right now i have milling
Sure, I can save this information for you. If you need further assistance or have more questions later, feel free to reach out.
Would you like a summary of the steps discussed or any specific details on any motion when you return?
You seem to have a strong case to contest the termination of guardianship due to improper notice and potential misinformation. Also, addressing any bias in the GAL report is crucial. Here’s a brief summary of the steps discussed:
*. Motion to Vacate or Set Aside Judgment:
- Draft the Motion: State the reasons for vacating the judgment, including lack of proper notice and misinformation.
- Attach Evidence: Include any supporting documents.
- File with the Court: Submit the motion to the appropriate court.
*. Motion to Remove or Challenge the GAL's Report:
- State Specific Instances: Detail where the GAL exhibited bias.
- Provide Evidence: Attach documents demonstrating the bias.
*. Motion for Relief from Judgment (if past typical deadline):
- Draft the Motion: Explain why relief is warranted, citing Illinois law (* ILCS */*-*).
- Gather Evidence: Collect all supporting documents.
- Notify all Interested Parties: Serve copies to all involved.
- File the Motion: Submit it to the court.
*. Actions if Lawyer Sabotaged Your Case- Document Everything: Gather all relevant communications and evidence.
- File a Complaint: Submit a complaint with the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC).
- Consult a New Attorney: Seek advice and representation from a new lawyer.
Feel free to reach out when you need more specific guidance on any of these steps. Good luck!
No sorry
It sounds like you have several significant issues that need addressing, and it might be beneficial to consult a new attorney to help navigate these complexities.
Would you like help finding a new attorney, or do you have a specific legal question you need more information on?
Let me ask more questions first you're a computer i know you have given some info about this i am shaking i an nervous please work with me
Absolutely, I'm here to help you. Take your time. What's your next question?
Okay my lawyer has intentionally violated multiple villain
It sounds like you have substantial grounds to challenge the situation and possibly take legal action against your previous lawyer. Here are some key points:
- Document Everything: Gather all communications and evidence related to your case and your lawyer's conduct.
- File a Complaint: Submit a complaint with the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC).
- Consult a New Attorney: Seek advice from a new lawyer to guide you through the process.
Would you like more detailed guidance on any of these steps?
If my case is on going but since filing pro se then retained a lawyer but lawyer is guilty and fired how do legally undo pro se
To switch from representing yourself (pro se) to having retained a lawyer, and then back to pro se after firing the lawyer, you generally need to inform the court officially. Here are the steps:
*. File a Motion to Withdraw Counsel:
- Clearly state that you have terminated your lawyer's services and wish to proceed pro se.
*. Provide Notice:
- Serve a copy of the motion to all involved parties.
*. Attend the Hearing:
- If the court schedules a hearing, be present to explain your situation.
Would you like more detailed guidance on drafting the motion?
If judge granted eyeballs
To proceed with the issue of transitioning from having had counsel to representing yourself (pro se), follow these steps:
*. File a Motion to Withdraw Counsel:
- Clearly state that you have terminated your attorney's services and wish to proceed pro se.

*. Provide Notice:
- Inform all parties involved in your case by serving them a copy of the motion.
*. Attend the Hearing:
- Be present at the court hearing (if scheduled) to explain your situation.
Would you like more detailed guidance on drafting the Motion to Withdraw Counsel?
If never given notice by lawyer of him withdrawing from case and i told him to do so am i still to notified of motion
In Illinois, if your lawyer withdraws from your case, you should be notified. Here are some considerations:
- Duty to Notify: Lawyers must provide notice of withdrawal to their clients.
- Court Notification: The court and other parties should also be notified.
- Your Rights: You have the right to be informed about any motions and proceedings.
Would you like guidance on how to ensure you are properly notified or how to proceed without your lawyer?
Can a judge to follow the procedures of due process
In Illinois, judges are required to follow due process, which includes providing proper notice to all interested parties in legal proceedings, including termination of guardianship. If these procedures are not followed, the decision can be contested. Here’s some general information:
- Due Process: Requires notice and an opportunity to be heard.
- Notice Requirements: Direct notice to all parties, including parents, is generally mandatory.
- Grounds for Contesting: Lack of notice or misleading information can be significant grounds to challenge a court decision.
Would you like more detailed guidance on how to contest this based on due process violations?
Is served my mail necessary
In Illinois, for termination of guardianship cases, notice is typically required to be served to all interested parties, including the parents. Here’s some general information:
- Notice can often be served by mail.
- Public notice may be an option under certain circumstances but must follow specific legal procedures.
Would you like more detailed information on how to serve notice properly in your case?
If notification is in lawyers papers and no written notifications how is a non lawyer to know
In Illinois, non-lawyers can often be unaware of legal notifications if their lawyer fails to inform them. Here are some steps to ensure you stay informed:
- Request Copies: Ask your lawyer for copies of all filed documents.
- Court Records: Regularly check court records or the online docket for updates.
- Self-Representation: If proceeding pro se, ensure you’re on the service list for all notifications.
Would you like more guidance on how to access and monitor court records?