Florida Domestic Violence Laws


The user is dealing with issues related to time-sharing, paternity, and domestic violence in Florida. They have been granted a temporary restraining order against the other party involved in the time-sharing case. The duration of a temporary restraining order in Florida is typically up to 15 days, but it can be extended upon request in court. Establishing paternity in Florida can grant rights such as time-sharing and decision-making for the child.

Full Conversation

time- sharing, paternity and temporary injunction against domestic violence
What state are you currently residing in, ****? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding your legal issues.
What is the nature of the domestic violence you're experiencing?
Physical abuse
What is the current status of your time-sharing and paternity case?

In Florida, domestic violence victims can seek protection through a restraining order.
it is a on going case but I was granted a temporary restraining order against the other party that I also have the time sharing case with
What is the duration of the temporary restraining order you were granted?

- In Florida, a temporary restraining order typically lasts up to 15 days.
- For court details: Florida Supreme Court, * S Duval St, Tallahassee, FL *, (*) *-*.
august *, *
The duration of a temporary restraining order in Florida is typically up to 15 days. You may request an extension in court. For more details, contact Florida Supreme Court at (*) *-*.
What is the status of your paternity case? In Florida, establishing paternity can grant rights such as time-sharing and decision-making for the child.