Filing A Restraining Order


To file a restraining order in New York, document all harassment instances and file a petition in court. The harasser can attend the hearing. Report harassment to local police with evidence like emails. Consult a local attorney for detailed guidance.

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I need help with knowing if I have enough grounds to file a restraining order
Hello Dakota, I can certainly help with that. Could you please provide more details about the circumstances leading you to consider a restraining order? And may I ask, in which state are you located?
An ex partner and his family are sending threatening emails to my place of work
Hello Dakota, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In most states, to obtain a restraining order, you need to show:
- Proof of harassment or abuse.
- A reasonable fear for your safety.
The threatening emails could serve as evidence. Which state are you in?
Thank you
Hello Dakota, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Based on your description, you might have grounds for a restraining order. To be more specific, I would need to know which state you are in, as the laws vary by location.
New York
Hello Dakota, in New York State, you can apply for an order of protection if you're the victim of harassment. Here are the steps:
- Document all instances of harassment.
- File a petition in a New York State court.
- Attend a court hearing.

Keep in mind this is just general guidance. For specific advice, consult with a New York attorney.
Does the person harassing me also have to come to the hearing?
Hello Dakota, yes, usually the person you filed the restraining order against is given a chance to attend the hearing in New York. This is to provide an opportunity for both parties to present their case. Please consult a local attorney for more details.
How do I file a harassment report
Hello Dakota, in New York, you can file a harassment report in the following way:
- Contact your local police department to report the harassment.
- Provide all relevant evidence, such as threatening emails.
- An investigation will follow.
Please consult with a local attorney for more information.