Minor Moving Out Concerns


In Montana, the age of majority is 18. A 17-year-old is still considered a minor, and parents can report them as a runaway if they move out. It is illegal for an adult to harbor a runaway minor. The boyfriend, being 25, could face legal issues. Consulting a local attorney is advisable for personalized advice.

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I have a friend * graduated from highschool and her parents told her she could move out. So she moved in with her boyfriend. Now her parents are threatening to call the cops and report her as a runaway. And get the boyfriend in trouble because he is over *.
What is the state where this situation is occurring? Laws regarding age of majority and runaways vary by state.
What is the age of the boyfriend? In Montana, the age of majority is *, so your friend is considered a minor. However, the situation could be different if the boyfriend is significantly older.
In Montana:

- Age of majority is *.
- It's illegal for an adult to harbor a runaway minor.

Please consult a local attorney for advice. Nearest court: Montana Supreme Court, * N Sanders St, Helena, MT *, (*) *-*.