Emergency Protection Order Granted


An emergency protection order was granted in Joplin, Missouri, involving domestic violence and other abuses. The respondents request was denied, and the petitioner was awarded full protection. Violations of the order should be reported to local law enforcement immediately. For specific legal advice, consulting a local attorney is recommended.

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Petitioned the court for emergency temp exparte *-*-* granted court date *-*-* awarded me petitioner full Order of Protection (domestic violence sexual assault held against will mental emotional abuse. Respondent filed for request exparte before I did. My advocate took me
It seems you're dealing with a complex situation. To better assist you, could you please provide more details about your current issue? Also, could you please tell me in which jurisdiction this is taking place?
*-*-* understood his request in *-*-* denied
I understand your situation involves protection orders and court proceedings. To provide you with accurate information, could you please specify the jurisdiction or location this is happening?
My request granted 6 months review full protection
Hello Dana, it's important to understand the legal system in your location to better assist you. Could you please tell me where you're located?
Detective calls me telling me he was removed I'm safe to come home. Amen much to my dismay he walked out with them only to walk right back in.
Hello Dana, I understand you're dealing with a difficult situation involving an Order of Protection. May I know in which state or country this is taking place so I can provide the most accurate legal information?
Sorry joplin mo
Thank you, Dana. Based on your location in Joplin, Missouri, here are some general points related to Orders of Protection:
*. Orders are enforceable statewide.
*. Violations can lead to criminal charges.
*. For non-compliance, contact local law enforcement immediately.
For specific advice, consider consulting a local attorney.
I discover he took my keys .. no problem I'm with court order granting my safety I call for resident assist lock out for prior week my fiancee and I had scheduled appointment for my signing on the lease ended with verbal agreed binding 12 month lease deliverd my apartment key to my hand along with a sticky note with passwords for resident only discslcheduled
Dana, it sounds like your safety may be at risk, and he may have violated the Order of Protection. Have you reported this to local law enforcement? In Missouri, they should enforce the order.