New Jersey Divorce Process


New Jersey requires at least one spouse to be a resident for one year before filing for divorce. Grounds include irreconcilable differences and fault-based reasons. Property is divided equitably. Child custody prioritizes the childs best interests, and support is based on parents incomes. Mediation may be required for custody agreements.

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Hello ****! How can I assist you with your legal issue today? Could you provide some details about your situation?
Need help with a divorce
Case Rating: *
Hi ****, I can help provide general information about the divorce process in New Jersey.
- Residency Requirement: Either spouse must have been a New Jersey resident for at least one year before filing.
- Grounds for Divorce: Options include irreconcilable differences, separation for 18 months, and fault-based grounds like adultery or cruelty.
- Property Division: New Jersey follows equitable distribution, meaning assets are divided fairly but not necessarily equally.
Could you please let me know if you have children or any specific concerns about your divorce?
I have * kids
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Hi ****, thanks for the information. Here are some important points regarding child custody and support in New Jersey:
- Child Custody: New Jersey courts prioritize the best interests of the child. Custody can be joint or sole.
- Child Support: Calculated based on both parents' incomes and the child's needs.

New Jersey Superior Court - Family Division

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Market Street, Trenton, NJ *

Do you have concerns about custody or child support that you'd like to discuss?
Case Rating: *
Hi ****,
Please provide more details about your concerns regarding custody or child support. For example:
- Are you seeking joint or sole custody?
- Do you and your spouse have an agreement on child support?
Joint custody
Case Rating: *
Joint Custody in New Jersey:
- Best Interests of the Child: Courts prioritize the child's best interests, considering factors like parents' ability to cooperate, child's needs, and stability.
- Parenting Plan: A detailed plan outlining custody arrangements, visitation schedules, and decision-making responsibilities is required.
- Mediation: Often required to help parents agree on custody arrangements.
~New Jersey Superior Court - Family Division~
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Market Street, Trenton, NJ *

Do you have specific concerns or questions about creating a parenting plan or understanding the court process?