Multiple Restraining Orders Explained


In New York, a person can apply for another order of protection if they believe theyre at risk. Judges decide based on evidence presented. False accusations can be challenged in court, and meth use can be reported to Child Protective Services. Gather all evidence to support your case and consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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My son was just dismissed fro. A restraining order now she is continuing to do it again can she do that
Hello **** Pavlick, to provide accurate information, could you please let me know the location where this is happening? Different jurisdictions may have different laws regarding multiple restraining orders.
New york
In New York:
- A person can apply for another order of protection if they believe they're at risk.
- Judges decide based on evidence presented.
- Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
The thing is when all this went down he was in the hospital for a week so none of the things she is saying isnt true an we also fou.d out that she does meth with her kid at home
In New York:
- False accusations can be challenged in court.
- Meth use can be reported to Child Protective Services.
- Gather all evidence to support your case.
- Legal representation is recommended in such situations.
Ok we have proof
That's great, ****. Having proof can greatly help your son's case. It's recommended to present this evidence to a lawyer who can help you proceed. Remember, it's crucial to report any child endangerment activities to Child Protective Services.
Thank you if i have anymore questions I'll text you
You're welcome, ****. Feel free to reach out anytime you have more questions. Best of luck with your son's case.
Thank you
Hello, ****. It was nice to assist you. Feel free to reach out anytime you have more questions. Best of luck with your son's case.
You're welcome, ****. I'm glad I could provide some guidance. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions in the future. Good luck with everything.