Child Support Modification Guidance


To address severance pay in a child support modification case, document the severance pay and mention it during a court hearing. IDHS involvement depends on their policies; contact your local IDHS office for clarification.

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Hello Sherry, how can I assist you with your legal query today?
I live in vermilion county Illinois and im a cp going through a court order modification i just recently provided our local idhs office with the child support order also the ncp list his job abs is recieveing unemployment and severance pay. The ncp is only providing income for unemployment how do i being up the severance pay to the judge and can the idhs help me even though the modification has been brought to court without idhs
Hello Sherry,
To bring the issue of severance pay to the court's attention:
*. Document the severance pay if possible.
*. Mention it during a court hearing.
IDHS involvement depends on their policies. You can directly contact your local IDHS office for clarification.