Removing Restraining Order California


The users fiancé was issued a no-contact order as part of his probation terms following a domestic violence incident. The user, who is the other party in the order, claims she did not request it and is seeking its removal. She has attempted to contact the probation officer and the public defender assigned to the case but has received no response. The user is considering filing a complaint against the public defender for non-responsiveness. The users fiancé is currently in custody for violating the no-contact order and resisting arrest.

Full Conversation

Im trying to get a restraining order removed from my fiance that was placed through his probatuon afainst me.
What state are you currently residing in, ****? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information.
What is the reason for the restraining order? In California, to remove a restraining order, you generally need to show a change in circumstances.
There saying DV but i did not request a restraining order it was pkaced in his probation standards and I want it removed. We live together and are engaged way before any of this
What state are you currently residing in? This will help me provide accurate information about the process of removing a restraining order.
What is the current status of his probation? In California, modifying probation conditions often requires a formal request to the court.
Its a no contact order
What is the reason for the no contact order being placed in his probation terms?
Dv no physical abuse
What was the exact nature of the domestic violence (DV) incident that led to the no-contact order?
What was the outcome of the court hearing regarding the domestic violence incident?
120 days hail time and a no contact restraining order through probation
What is the duration of the probation period? In California, you can request a modification of probation terms through a formal court process.
No limit so by law its * yrs minimum
What steps have you taken so far to have the no-contact order removed or modified?

In California, you can request a modification of probation terms through a formal court process.
I have contacted his orobation officer and have gotten no respinse
What was the method of communication you used to contact the probation officer? In California, you may need to file a formal request with the court to modify probation terms.
Tekephone call i left detailed nessage as well as email
Have you considered filing a formal request with the court to modify the probation terms? In California, this is often the necessary step.
Yes i have tried but tgey say tfat he has to do it. But i dont understand bc i am the other party that did not request this
Have you consulted with a lawyer about this situation? In California, it's usually the person under probation who must request a modification.
Ive been trying but no answer
What is the name of the lawyer or law firm you have been trying to contact?
Its been alot free his public defender wolfe, his probationn officer zamora
What is the exact nature of the domestic violence incident that led to the no-contact order?
A call to * of a grabbing on je tgey asked to oress cgarges ibsaid no. Tgey arrested him ga c e him 4 months. He went to coyrt October *, * was released January *, * and was pkacedvthrough orovation no contact order
What is the name of the court where the probation order was issued?
Stanislaus County coyrt house * 10th street modesto, ca *
What is the name of the judge who issued the probation order?
Im not sure
Do you have any documentation related to the case that might have the judge's name on it?
I may be abke to get it
That would be helpful. Could you please provide the name of the judge once you have the documentation?
What is the name of the judge who issued the probation order?
No judge Westbrook
What is the full name of Judge Westbrook?
Rober B. Westbrook
What is the full address of the court where Judge Robert B. Westbrook presides?
* 11th street modesto, ca *
What is the full name of the person on probation?
Rafael Estrada Lopez birn */*/*
What is the exact probation condition you want to modify?
No contact order REMOVED
What is the reason you want the no contact order removed?
Im his fuance. I never authorized this, we live together are suppose to be narried by now and have had two miscarruages due to this bc of stress
What steps have you taken to manage the stress and emotional impact this situation is having on you?
Ive seen a doctore many times. But every other month probation is taking him to jail bc a simpke check when hes doing nothing wrong but im there tajes him back to jail
What is the reason given by the probation officer for taking him back to jail?
Itvwas ordered through zamora
Tge no conract I rder
What steps have you taken to formally request the removal of the no-contact order from the court?
Ive keft a nessafe and enail to his d I rect probation officer
What was the response from the probation officer after you left a message and email?
What is the name of the probation officer you have been trying to contact?
Rafael estrada Lopez
E. Zamora
Eduardo zamora
What is the contact information for Eduardo Zamora, the probation officer?
Eduardo Zamora *-*-* or *-*-* cell phone fax number *-*-* email
It seems like you've shared contact details instead of answering the question. Can you please clarify your current legal issue or question?
To remive the no contact order
What is the reason you want to remove the no contact order?
We live together he is my fuance all we gave is each other
What state are you currently residing in? This will help me provide accurate information about the process of removing a no contact order.
What is the current status of the no contact order? Is it temporary or permanent?

In California, to remove a no contact order, you may need to:
- Request a court hearing
- Provide valid reasons for the removal
- Attend the hearing with your fiance.
It has no end date so by kaw uts a 3yr order
What is the name of the court that issued the no contact order? This will help me provide you with the correct procedure and contact details for that court.
Court of Stanislaus county
What is the case number of the no contact order?

In California, to remove a no contact order, you generally need to:

- Request a court hearing
- Present evidence showing why the order should be lifted

Stanislaus County Superior Court: * 11th St, Modesto, CA *, Phone: (*) *-*.
CR23008324and cR22010652
What is the name of the judge who issued the no contact order? This will help me provide you with more specific information.
Robert westbrook
What is the specific reason you want the no contact order to be removed?
We live together i did mot aughorize this
What is the nature of the incident that led to the issuance of the no contact order?
He was acting out of character * was called i did not press charges
What was the reason given by the court for issuing the no contact order?
What does "Dv" stand for in this context?
Domestic violence
What steps have you taken so far to remove the no contact order?

In California, to remove a no contact order, you generally need to:
- Request a court hearing
- Present evidence showing why the order should be lifted

Stanislaus County Superior Court: * 11th St, Modesto, CA *, Phone: (*) *-*.
Ive contacted probation and tried to gike oaoerwirk fir removal
Ive contacted his probation officwr vua phone nessage abd enail
What was the response from the probation officer regarding your request to remove the no contact order?
What is the name of the probation officer you've been in contact with?
Eduardo zamora
Eduardo zamora
What is the response you received from Eduardo Zamora regarding the removal of the no contact order?
Notjing at all
What is the next court date scheduled for this case?
August *, * *:30am
What is the nature of the charges against your fiancé?
Violation of orobation resusting arrest
What were the terms of the probation that were violated?
No contact order
What is the name of your fiancé who is under the no contact order?
Rafael Estrada Lopez
What is the name of your attorney, if you have one?
What is the full name and contact details of your attorney, Wolfe?
He goes public defender wolfe
What is the full name of your public defender, Wolfe?
Gratson Scott Wokfe
What is the contact information for your public defender, Gratson Scott Wolfe?
Grayson Scott wolfe
What is the contact information for your public defender, Grayson Scott Wolfe?
* * *
What is the response you received from Grayson Scott Wolfe regarding the removal of the no contact order?

In California, to remove a no contact order, you generally need to:
- Request a court hearing
- Present evidence showing why the order should be lifted

Stanislaus County Superior Court: * 11th St, Modesto, CA *, Phone: (*) *-*.
* * *
What is the significance of the number * * * in relation to your case?
His contact number
What was the response from your public defender, Grayson Scott Wolfe, when you discussed the removal of the no contact order?
Nothing he stated hecwould get back to me but its been over * minths
Have you tried reaching out to Grayson Scott Wolfe again since your last conversation?
What was the response from Grayson Scott Wolfe when you reached out again?
Nothing no answer just voice-mail
Have you considered filing a complaint about your public defender's lack of response?
What is the name of the agency or organization where you plan to file the complaint?
Stanislaus county superior vourt
Stanislaus County superior Court
What is the specific complaint you plan to file against your public defender, Grayson Scott Wolfe, at the Stanislaus County Superior Court?
I recieve no call vacks no.information necessary to the case just no response in general
What steps have you taken to file this complaint against your public defender at the Stanislaus County Superior Court?
Ive went to gather necessary paperwork
What is the nature of the paperwork you have gathered for filing the complaint?
Non compliance forms
What is the specific non-compliance issue you are addressing in your complaint against your public defender?
That the publuc defender are not responding
What is the deadline for filing the non-compliance forms?
30 days
What is the date you received these non-compliance forms?
August 11th
What is the date you plan to submit these non-compliance forms?
What is the current date today?
What is the name of the person or department at the Stanislaus County Superior Court that you plan to submit the non-compliance forms to?
Complaints department
What is the address of the Complaints Department at the Stanislaus County Superior Court where you plan to submit the non-compliance forms?
* 10th street modesto, ca *
What is the name of the person you are filing the complaint against?
Complaints department
What is the specific issue you are addressing in your complaint against the Complaints Department?
Public defender is being mon responsive
What is the name of your public defender who is not responding?
Grayson scott wolfe
What is the specific issue you are addressing in your complaint against Grayson Scott Wolfe?
Hes no respondind
What is the date you last tried to contact Grayson Scott Wolfe?
August *
What was the nature of your communication with Grayson Scott Wolfe on August 15th?
To remove tge no contact order
What was the response from Grayson Scott Wolfe regarding your request to remove the no contact order on August 15th?
What is the current status of your complaint against Grayson Scott Wolfe with the Complaints Department at the Stanislaus County Superior Court?
What is the next step you plan to take if you don't receive a response from the Complaints Department at the Stanislaus County Superior Court?
I want yo go higher ip
What do you mean by "go higher up"? Are you considering escalating your complaint to a higher authority?
Im honna go above tge public defender boss
Who is the superior or the boss of the public defender in your case?
Im not sure
Who is the judge presiding over your case?
What is the full name of Judge Westbrook?
Robert westbrook
What is the specific issue you want to bring to Judge Robert Westbrook's attention?
To remove the order
What is the nature of the relationship between you and the person the no contact order is against?
He is my fuance
What is the full name of your fiancé?
Rafael Estrada Lopez
What is the specific reason you want the no contact order against Rafael Estrada Lopez to be removed?
I did not authorize this, we luve together, its just me bd him we only have each other
What was the incident that led to the issuance of the no contact order?
He was acting not himself * was calked
What was the specific behavior that led to the * call and the issuance of the no contact order?
Physical nanbers on bith ends. Wevwere noth pushing each otger
What was the outcome of the incident that led to the issuance of the no contact order?
Policecarrested him
What were the charges against him when the police arrested him?
Dv 120 days. Probation 3yrs. With no contact restraining order in which i was unaware
What is the current status of your fiancé's probation?
Sane 3yrs probation with no contact order
What steps have you taken so far to remove the no contact order?
Contacted probation officer trued to ca courtbdate
What was the response from the probation officer when you contacted them about removing the no contact order?
No respibse yet
What was the last date you contacted the probation officer?
August *
What was the specific message you conveyed to the probation officer on August 15th?
To get tge mo contact order removed
What was the response from the probation officer when you requested to remove the no contact order on August 15th?
Have you tried contacting the court directly to request a hearing for the removal of the no contact order?
Why haven't you tried contacting the court directly to request a hearing for the removal of the no contact order?
They say he has to do it but he is in custody
What is the specific reason for your fiancé's current custody?
Violation of probation due to no contact order
What steps has your fiancé taken from his end to request the removal of the no contact order?
Hes requested the dv * forms
What is the DV-* form and why is it important in your case?
Tobremoveva restraining order
What is the current status of the DV-* form your fiancé has requested?
Ges nit received the forms yet
What is the reason given by the court for not providing the DV-* forms yet?
Hes in custody they have to be nailed ylto him
What is the current status of your fiancé's request for the DV-* forms to be mailed to him in custody?
Hes waiting
What is the name of the facility where your fiancé is currently in custody?
Safety center * hacjett rd midedto, ca95358
What is the current status of your fiancé's case at the Safety Center?
Hes goes to court for ruling august * at *:30am
What is the nature of the ruling that is expected on August 28th at the court?
To see how much time he will serve in hail
What are the charges against your fiancé that will determine his jail time?
Violation of orobation and resisting arrest
What were the circumstances leading to the charges of probation violation and resisting arrest?
No contact irder and he hid in a roomfir a whike
What was the specific incident that led to the violation of the no contact order and the charge of resisting arrest?
A probation check
What happened during the probation check that led to the violation of the no contact order and the charge of resisting arrest?
I was there thar led to the violation and he did not surrender immediately
What were the specific actions that led to the charge of resisting arrest during the probation check?
He hid in a room then finally came out
What were the consequences of him hiding in the room and then finally coming out during the probation check?
A charge for resisting arrest
What were the specific actions taken by the police when they charged him with resisting arrest?
That he hid in a room insideca hoyse for more tgan * linutes before surrendering
What were the consequences of him hiding in the room for more than * minutes before surrendering?
He now has a resisting arrest cgarfe
What are the penalties for resisting arrest in California?
Bail set for * * but is charged as a misdemeanor
What is the current status of the bail? Has it been posted or is he still in custody?

In California, resisting arrest is generally considered a misdemeanor, punishable by:
- Up to 1 year in county jail
- A fine up to $*,*
- Probation, community service, or a combination.
Hes still in custody
What is the reason for not posting the bail?
We dont hace tge money
Have you considered applying for a public defender or legal aid services to help with the bail process? In California, these services are often available for those who cannot afford a private attorney.
Why haven't you considered applying for a public defender or legal aid services to help with the bail process?
He said that he would rather do the time than to be a burden and have anybody spin their hard-working money on him even if he's innocent
What is the estimated time he might serve if he chooses not to post bail?
They said that he could get a year in jail I don't know
What is the specific charge that could potentially lead to a year in jail?
Resisting arrest
What is the maximum penalty for resisting arrest in California?
A year in prison
Up to one year in prison
One year in prison
What is the maximum fine for resisting arrest in California?
One year in prison
1 year
1 year jail tome
What is the maximum fine for resisting arrest in California?
1 year jail time
I dont know
1 year jail time
What is the maximum fine for resisting arrest in California?
1 year
I dont know
Are you gonna gelp
What is the maximum fine for resisting arrest in California?
1 year
* yr
I dont know
Dont know
* Years
What is the significance of "* Years" in relation to your case?
He shouldnt do any jail tme
No jail
No time
I dont know
No years
What is the specific reason you believe your fiancé should not serve any jail time?
He's being violated for the same crime over and over again which is the no contact order which should not even be in his probation at all
The no contact order should not even be in place
Why do you believe the no contact order should not be in place?
I did not authorize it I never signed any papers I never requested it probation put it in his probation time without my consent and now we cannot be together because of it
Probation put it in as a stipulation which was not through my authorization
Probation needs to take it off
It's through probation and I'm trying to get it removed
It's through probation
What steps have you taken with the probation department to get the no contact order removed?
Can I speak to a live person
Can I speak to a live
I sent a letter to his probation officer to get it removed
I filed paperwork to
What is the nature of the paperwork you filed?
It's to his probation officer to remove it without authorization
I requested to remove
What is the response you received from the probation officer after you requested to remove the no contact order?
I have not received a response
No rea4
What is the name of the probation officer you've been in contact with?
Eduardo Zamora
Eduardo zamora
Eduardo zamora
What was the last date you contacted Eduardo Zamora regarding the removal of the no contact order?
August *
August 15th *
What was the specific message you conveyed to Eduardo Zamora on August 15th, *?
I requested for it to be removed due to the fact that we live together we are always together and I did not request it
I want toremove a no contact order
What is the reason you want to remove the no contact order?
I did not request it it was put on through probation
What is the name of the court that issued the no contact order?
Stanislaus County superior Court
What is the full name of the person the no contact order is against?
Rafael Estrada Lopez
Rafael Estrada Lopez
Rafael lopez
What is the case number of the no contact order against Rafael Lopez?
What is the current status of the no contact order against Rafael Lopez?
What is the specific reason you want the no contact order against Rafael Lopez to be removed?
Not requested
Probation placed it
What is the specific reason probation placed a no contact order against Rafael Lopez?
I dont know
Dont lnow
Dont know
Donestic violence
What was the incident that led to the issuance of the no contact order?
Ge was acting oyt of character * was calkes
Not himsekf
* was calked
What was the specific behavior that led to the * call and the issuance of the no contact order?
We were both borderline of physical content
Physical contact
What was the outcome of the incident that led to the issuance of the no contact order?
Probation irder
Domestic violence
Domestic violence
What steps have you taken so far to remove the no contact order?
Contacted probation
Contacted Probation
Filed paoers
What is the current status of the papers you filed to remove the no contact order?

In California, to remove a no contact order, you generally need to:
- Request a court hearing
- Present evidence showing why the order should be lifted

Stanislaus County Superior Court: * 11th St, Modesto, CA *, Phone: (*) *-*.
Nothing ywt
What is the name of the probation officer you've been in contact with regarding the removal of the no contact order?
Eduardi zamora
Edurdi zamora
Eduardo zamora
What was the response from Eduardo Zamora regarding your request to remove the no contact order?

In California, to remove a no contact order, you generally need to:
- Request a court hearing
- Present evidence showing why the order should be lifted

Stanislaus County Superior Court: * 11th St, Modesto, CA *, Phone: (*) *-*.
No respibse
No respinse
What is the current status of your fiancé's case?
In custody
In custody
In jail
Locked up
Locked up
In jail
What are the charges against your fiancé that led to his current incarceration?
Violation of probation resisting arredt
Violation of orobation abd resusting arrest
Violation of Probation
What were the terms of the probation that were violated?
No contact
Mo comtact order
No contact
Restraining order
What is the specific incident that led to the violation of the no contact order?
I dont know