Indiana Child Custody Disputes


Byron, from Indiana, is in a dispute with his ex-girlfriend over their sons parenting time. She has custody and wants to put their son in daycare during her work hours, despite Byron being available to care for him. They have tried discussing and mediation, but she insists on making all the decisions. The type of custody she has, sole or joint, is not specified.

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My ex gf has my son and we can't agree on parenting time
What state are you currently residing in, ****? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information regarding child custody laws in your area.
What specific disagreements are you having regarding parenting time?

In Indiana, courts generally favor joint custody, which allows both parents to have substantial involvement in their child's life.
She wants to put him in day care while she's at work when I'm available to take care of him during that time
Have you tried discussing this with her or considered mediation to resolve this issue? In Indiana, courts often encourage parents to work out a parenting time schedule themselves.
Yes but she insists she makes all the decisions and want to put him in daycare
What is the current legal custody arrangement between you and your ex-girlfriend?

In Indiana:
- Joint legal custody is common, allowing both parents to make decisions.
- If one parent has sole custody, they have the final say.
She has custody as we never got married
What type of custody does she have - sole or joint? In Indiana, even if parents are not married, the non-custodial parent has rights to parenting time.