Citizen Review Board Process


A Citizen Review Board (CRB) proceeding in Deschutes County, Oregon, involves reviewing child protective services cases and making recommendations. Participants may present their case, cooperate with the review process, and act on the boards recommendations. If you have concerns about CPS or police actions, this is the time to present them, supported by evidence. If the evidence is on bodycam footage, you can request it through the police department or file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request if necessary. Legal representation can help expedite this process.

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Deschutes county in Oregon
In Deschutes County, Oregon, the Citizen Review Board (CRB) proceedings are:
- Review of child protective services cases.
- Ensuring the best interests of the child are met.
- Making recommendations on case plans.
What will i have to do?
As a participant in a Citizen Review Board proceeding in Deschutes County, Oregon, you might be expected to:
- Present your case or situation
- Cooperate with the review process
- Act on the recommendations made by the board.
Would this be the time to tell them that CPS lied and the cops illegally searched my home
Yes, a Citizen Review Board proceeding could be an appropriate time to present any concerns about the actions of Child Protective Services and law enforcement. Remember to provide any evidence you have to support your claims.
The evidence is all on the bodycam footage which i dont have
Have you requested the bodycam footage from the police department or the relevant authority? In Oregon, you have the right to request this evidence through a process called "Discovery."
Yes but they havent gave it to me
You can follow up with the police department. If they don't respond or refuse, you might need to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Legal representation could help expedite this process.
What is that?
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request is a legal procedure that allows citizens to access certain records from federal agencies. In your case, this could be used to obtain the bodycam footage. It's recommended to consult with a legal professional for assistance in filing a FOIA request.