Custody Ends At 18


In Georgia, child custody typically ends when a child turns 18. If your custody agreement states until they are 18, your daughter may not need to follow parenting time after turning 18.

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our daughter is graduating high school in the spring at *. She is then going away to college next fall. Is she still required to leave college to follow parenting time with her father?
What is the current custody agreement between you and her father? In Georgia, child custody orders typically expire when the child turns *.
we live in Georgia, her father lives in Michigan. Currently, she flies to Michigan for one week at Christmas break, spring break, and three weeks in June.
What is the specific language in your custody agreement regarding visitation after the child turns * or starts college?
Until they are *
In Georgia, child custody typically ends at *. If your agreement states "until they are *", she may not be required to follow the parenting time after turning *.