Protecting Business During Divorce


If you start a business after separation, it can be considered separate property. Document your separation date, request temporary court orders, and clearly state in your business formation documents that it was established post-separation. Consult a lawyer for personalized advice.

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~How to File for Temporary Orders in Arizona~

*. Complete the Forms:
- Fill out the necessary forms for temporary orders, including a "Petition for Temporary Orders" and an "Affidavit of Financial Information."
*. File the Forms:
- Submit the completed forms to the Clerk of the Superior Court in your county. Filing fees may apply.
*. Serve Your Spouse:
- Serve a copy of the filed forms to your spouse. This can be done via a process server or other legal means.
*. Attend the Hearing:
- The court will schedule a hearing where both parties can present their arguments. Be prepared to provide evidence and documentation.
*. Obtain the Orders:
- If the judge grants your request, you'll receive temporary orders that specify the financial and property arrangements until the divorce is finalized.
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If I started my C-Corp after "separation" meaning I had already left, we had already started with the divorce process, and I had been living with my mom, does that protect me from her being able to claim rights or ownership or anything to the company? I just am starting it and have no income yet but hesistant because of all this
Your situation suggests a strong potential for protecting your new business as separate property, given that it was started after your separation. Here are some steps to help safeguard your C-Corp:
- Document Separation Date: Keep records showing you moved out and started living with your mom before forming the business.
- Temporary Orders: Request temporary court orders to confirm the business as separate property and prevent your wife from claiming any future interest.
- Legal Documentation: Clearly state in your business formation documents that it was established post-separation and is not part of marital assets.
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