Child Support Tax Dispute


A Michigan resident is facing a legal dispute with their sons ex-wife over child support tax credits. The ex-wife is suing for additional money due to a tax filing error. Michigan law states that child support amounts are determined by the Michigan Child Support Formula, and a party cannot be held liable for anothers tax mistakes. Harassment via text could be a violation of local laws. The IRS typically grants tax credits to the custodial parent, but a noncustodial parent may claim it with Form 8332 signed by the custodial parent. Mistakes in tax filing are not considered tax evasion. The divorce decree should prevail in case of disagreement. Free legal aid is available in Michigan for those who cannot afford a lawyer.

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My son's ex-wife is suing him and me because she wants more money for child. Tax credit. When the company who filled out my sons, tax forms messed up and filed for his son this year when he already filed last year. We rectified that problem by filling out paperwork she. Requested, my daughter-in-law. She is mad because she failed to file in time. It now has to pay failate fee and wants my son not only to pay for that late fee. And pay for her request. Day in court against us. I cannot afford a lawyer. He cannot afford a lawyer. We live in * different counties. He lives in Traverse City, Michigan island Sheboygan machine. She is making our lives miserable with multiple text messaging to both of us. State in that we will receive a summons to go to court sometime next week. After she files today after her son. My grandson gets out of grade school. I do not know if she has a case. Or if she is just a bunch of talk, but it's getting me all riled up and my son. At work in Travers city is getting constant. Text messaging when he does not respond to her. She gets more upset and continues. That text messaging.
I understand this is a challenging situation. As per Michigan law:
- Child support amounts are determined by the Michigan Child Support Formula.
- A party cannot be held liable for another's tax mistakes.
- Harassment via text could be a violation of local laws.
Since this matter is complex, it's advisable to seek legal advice. Free legal aid is available in Michigan.
He is up-to-date on child support. That is not the case. The case is she wants money from the I. R s
I see, she's seeking IRS tax credit. The IRS typically grants tax credits to the custodial parent. However, a noncustodial parent may claim it with Form * signed by the custodial parent. It's advisable to seek help from a tax professional or free legal aid in Michigan for guidance.
It was agreed upon the divorce decree that every other year. The parent takes credit for that child. The individual who filled out my sons text forms here in cheboygan Michigan made a mistake and filed him this year when he had already filed the previous year. Now she, my stepdaughter in law is taking both me and my son to court for tax evasion.
I understand your concern. Here's what Michigan law generally says:
- Mistakes in tax filing are not tax evasion.
- Tax liability disputes should be addressed to the IRS.
- In case of disagreement, the divorce decree prevails.
It's highly recommended to consult with a tax professional or a lawyer. Legal aid in Michigan might be able to assist.
I cannot afford a lawyer. I am on disability so this means if I do go to court. I will not have no legal representative. Neither does my son who lives in travers city, michigan.
I understand your predicament. In Michigan, you and your son might be eligible for free legal aid. I recommend reaching out to or Legal Services of Northern Michigan in Traverse City. They provide legal assistance to low-income individuals and might be able to help you both.