Early Emancipation Through Marriage


In South Africa, minors who enter into a valid civil marriage before turning 18 become majors for all purposes according to the Age of Majority Act 57 of 1972. Emancipation is not achieved through economic independence but rather by reaching the age of 18 or through marriage.

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True or false in South Africa ****
True. In South Africa, according to the Age of Majority Act * of *, a person who enters into a valid civil marriage before turning * becomes a major for all purposes.
True or false in South Africa A minor is emancipated when he or she has received the express or tacit consent of his or her guardian to participate in commercial dealings as an economically independent person. True False Contnue Last saved
False. In South Africa, a minor becomes emancipated when they turn * or get married before they turn *, not through economic independence.
True or false in South Africa A minor is emancipated when he or she has received the express or tacit consent of his or her guardian to participate in commercial dealings as an economically independent person. True False
False. In South Africa, a minor becomes emancipated when they turn * or get married before they turn *, not through economic independence.