Understanding Rule 17 Guidelines


Rule 17 in Fairfield County, Ohio, covers standard parent-time schedules in child custody cases. It includes guidelines for vacation time and birthday arrangements. Each parent gets two non-consecutive weeks of vacation in the summer, and birthdays are alternated by even and odd years. The non-residential parent must give a one-week notice if they wish to spend time with the child on their birthday. For unresolved issues, mediation or court intervention may be necessary.

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I have a question regarding rule * for starndard parent time .
Hello ****, Rule * generally pertains to standard parent-time schedules in child custody cases. However, specifics can vary by location. Could you please tell me where you're located so I can provide more accurate information?
Fairfield county, ohio
Hello ****, in Fairfield County, Ohio, Rule * of the Local Rules of the Court of Common Pleas covers "Standard Parenting Time." Here are some key points:
- It includes general schedules for children of various age groups.
- It covers holiday schedules.
- Adjustments can be made if parents agree.
- It's not a mandatory rule, but a guideline.
For the full rule, please visit the Fairfield County Court website.
I have it just dont understand it. The father is theresidential parent for school purpose only, they share parent each party has the children for the same # of days per week *-* . Mother has handed father * weeks of dates shewants the children for summer vacation. Is she allowed to do that? It does not make any sense
Hello ****, in Fairfield County, Ohio, Rule * states that each parent gets two non-consecutive weeks of vacation time with the child in the summer. The dates should be mutually agreed upon. If the mother proposes * weeks, and it's not agreed upon, you may need to seek mediation or court intervention.
Thank you, for your help
You're welcome, ****! If you have any more questions or need further clarification on any legal matter, feel free to ask. Always here to help.
Another question, birthdays acording to rule *, mother has even years, father has odd. What does it mean then when it says the non residential parent must give * week notice for parenting time on birthday?
Hello ****, in Fairfield County, Ohio, Rule * indicates:
- In even years, the mother has the right to spend child's birthday with them.
- In odd years, it's the father's turn.
- The non-residential parent must give a one-week notice to the other parent if they wish to spend time with the child on their birthday.
Im sorry i cannot see the very last line.
Apologies for the confusion, ****. To clarify, the non-residential parent should notify the other parent one week in advance if they wish to spend time with the child on their birthday, regardless of whose year it is.
Thank you
You're welcome, ****! If you have any more questions about Rule * or any other legal matter, do not hesitate to ask. I'm here to help.