Domestic Violence Legal Options


Domestic violence is a serious issue that can involve physical abuse, emotional abuse, and threats to personal safety. Victims can seek protective orders, file for divorce, and pursue custody of their children. Legal options include contacting local law enforcement, seeking shelter, and consulting with a family law attorney to understand your rights and the best course of action. Immediate steps should be taken to ensure the safety of you and your child.

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"Hi, my name is Sarika Bheemisetty. I got married in October * in India. My husband's name is Arun Kumar Polisetty, and he works as a state employee in USA. We have been married for two years, and after the second year, his parents started torturing me, saying that I didn't have a job and was a burden on them. He is beating me daily, fracturing my right hand and right leg, and pulling my hair out from the roots in front of my child. They would lock me in a room and not allow me to see my child. My husband has a mental disorder and doesn't know how to behave. He hits me every day without any proper reason , and his family is threatening my life and my son's life. They are pushing me to the limit, and I am living in fear. I am working temporarily in a state job and attending interviews for a full-time position, but they are not allowing me to settle down. Please save my life. His family is a threat to me, my son, and my family. They are treating me like a slave."