Pregnancy Amidst Protective Order


The user is pregnant and has a mutual No Contact Order with the babys father in Connecticut. Violating this order can lead to criminal charges. The user was advised to contact the police if in danger and to seek legal advice from the Connecticut Judicial Branch.

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Nice to meet you, Lulu. Could you please describe the legal issue you're facing?
I'm sorry to hear that, Lulu. Could you please provide more details about your legal issue?
pregnant with the person i have a dual protective body order with
What state are you currently residing in, Lulu? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information.
What is the nature of the dual protective order? Is it mutual or does it only apply to one party?
it is mutual
What are the terms of the mutual protective order?

In Connecticut, violating a protective order can result in criminal charges, including imprisonment and/or fines.
no contact order
In Connecticut, violating a 'No Contact Order' can lead to criminal charges. If you're in danger, contact the police immediately. For legal advice, contact Connecticut Judicial Branch at *-*-*-*.