Leaving Abusive Household Safely


In Indiana, the legal age of emancipation is 18, but you can seek legal emancipation if youre at least 16. If youre in an abusive household, you can report the abuse to the Indiana Department of Child Services hotline at 1-800-800-5556. Reports can be made anonymously, ensuring the safety of all children in the home. Contact a local attorney for more detailed advice.

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indiana indianapolis
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. In Indiana:
- The legal age of emancipation is *.
- You can also seek a legal emancipation if you're at least *.
- You could report the abuse to the Indiana Department of Child Services' hotline at *-*-*-*.
Please contact a local attorney for more detailed advice.
what if i can't call child services because there is a small child in the home
I understand your concern. In Indiana, you can make an anonymous report to Indiana Department of Child Services' hotline at *-*-*-*. They will take necessary steps to protect all children in the home.