Divorce And Custody Concerns


A no-contact order does not prevent the other party from sending court papers. Legal communication can still occur, often through a lawyer or third party. Court-appointed attorneys are generally for criminal cases, not civil matters like child custody. You may qualify for low-cost or free legal aid services.

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Wife filed divorce. And asking for sole custody. Theres been a no contact order from */* from a domestic sbe committed
What is the nature of the domestic incident that led to the no-contact order?
She assulted me in the driveway mthan lead to her rear ending my truck and that lead to more assults
Did you report these incidents to the police and do you have any evidence of the assaults?
Yes shes been charged with assult and careless driving
What is the current status of the charges against her?

In Michigan, assault and careless driving are serious offenses.

- Assault can lead to imprisonment and/or fines.
- Careless driving can result in fines and points on the driver's license.

For court details, please visit the Michigan Courts website.
She being charged October 9th
What is the nature of the charges she is facing on October 9th? In Michigan, the severity of assault charges can vary, potentially leading to different penalties.
For assult
In Michigan, assault charges can lead to imprisonment and/or fines. For more details, please visit the nearest court. The Michigan Courts website can provide specific location information.
Can i get a court appointed lawyer for child custody since i am the defendant?
In Michigan, court-appointed attorneys are typically provided in criminal cases, not civil matters like child custody. However, you may qualify for low-cost or free legal aid services.
If theres a no contact order can the other party send court papers?
Yes, court papers can be sent even with a no contact order. The order typically doesn't prevent legal communication. However, it's best to have a lawyer or third party deliver them.