Ex Mother In Law Harassment


If your ex-mother-in-law is harassing and threatening you, document all instances, report to the police, and consider filing for a Protective Order. If threats continue, consult with a local attorney for further legal actions. Relocating and not disclosing your address for safety is advisable. Seek help from local domestic violence organizations if needed.

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I need to know what I can do about my ex mother in law
Hello **** Baney, could you please provide more specific details about your issue with your ex mother-in-law? Also, could you share your location, as laws vary by region?
She won't stop harassing me and threatening me
Hello **** Baney,
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Here's what you can do:
- Document all instances of harassment
- Apply for a restraining order
- Report threats to the police
Laws may vary depending on your location. Can you please tell me where you're located?
Smithfield ut
Hello **** Baney,
In Utah, the following steps can assist you:
- Gather and document all instances of harassment.
- File for a Protective Order at your local District Court.
- If she makes threats, report them to local police.
Remember, this is general advice, consult with a local attorney for specifics.
I have done all that and I had to drop them cuz of her
I understand your frustration, ****. Could you clarify what you mean by "drop them"? Did you drop the Protective Order or police reports? It will help me provide more specific advice.
I see. In Utah, you could consider filing a Stalking Injunction or consult with a local attorney for further legal action options. Please remember that your safety is paramount.
When I went to court for the protective order and the restraining order I had to tell them I didn't want it anymore because she was threatening to kill me and she was standing right there she followed me to the car
I'm sorry to hear this, ****. Given the severity of the threats, you should immediately report this to the police. You can also consider filing another Protective Order, noting her threats as the reason for dismissing the previous one.
It won't stop her
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. You may want to consider relocating or seeking help from local domestic violence organizations. Furthermore, consult with a lawyer about possible legal actions such as filing a lawsuit for emotional distress.
I did relocate and she's mad cuz I won't give her the address where her grandkids are at
I understand your concern, ****. In Utah, you don't have to provide your address if you feel it threatens your or your children's safety. Remember, your safety is paramount. You may consider consulting with legal counsel for more specific advice.