Court Consultation Divorce Rights


You have the right to request the court to consult your lawyer before signing a divorce judgment in Michigan. Its crucial to keep your lawyer informed about all interactions with the court to avoid complications. Open communication with your lawyer is essential for effective representation. If you have concerns about your lawyers reaction, remember that they are professionally obligated to represent your best interests. Discuss your actions with your lawyer to maintain trust and cooperation.

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I asked the court not to sign my judgement of divorce without consulting my lawyer. Can I get in trouble for doing this?
Hello Sue,
You won't get in trouble for requesting the court to consult your lawyer before signing the divorce judgment. It's your right to have your lawyer present in such situations. However, it's important to inform your lawyer about this.
Can you let me know which state you're in? Laws might vary.
Hello Sue,
In Michigan, it's perfectly fine to ask the court to wait for your attorney's review before signing the divorce judgment. Here are some relevant points:
- You have the right to legal representation.
- Your attorney should be aware of all court proceedings.
- Communicate with your attorney regarding your wishes.
Well I never got my lawyer involved, I called the court myself without my Lawyers knowledge.
Hello Sue,
It's important to keep your lawyer informed about all interactions with the court. Not doing so may complicate matters moving forward. Please share this with your lawyer at the earliest.
I'm scared of what he'll say
Hello Sue,
Your concerns are valid. However, open communication is key for your lawyer to best represent you. It might be uncomfortable, but it's important for your case. Can you tell me what exactly are you scared of?
That my lawyer will fire me.
Hello Sue,
Lawyers are bound by professional obligations to represent their clients' best interests. Firing a client isn't a decision taken lightly. I'd recommend talking to your lawyer honestly and promptly about your actions. It will help to maintain trust and cooperation.
Could I have messed up my divorce?
Hello Sue,
Without specific details, it's hard to say if your actions could have an impact on your divorce proceedings. However, transparency with your attorney is crucial. It's best to discuss this with them and follow their advice.