Expediting Louisiana Divorce Process


In Louisiana, a 180-day waiting period is standard for divorce, but cases involving adultery or felony can expedite the process. Adultery requires evidence like photos, videos, or text messages. Text messages admitting to an affair can serve as evidence. You can switch from a 102 to a 103 divorce during the waiting period, but specific legal requirements must be met. For a 103 divorce, you must live separately for 180 days without minor children or 365 days with minor children. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Yes i wanted to know if there is any legal paper that can be filed prior to my 6 month wait for a divorce of a * monoth marriage. I live in Louisiana and I feel my former mate is planning to run. I am ready to get on with my life and want this decree as soon as possible.
Hello ****, in Louisiana, there's typically a *-day waiting period for divorce. However, in cases of adultery or felony, you could potentially expedite the process. Consult a local attorney for specifics to your case.
if adultery, do you have to name the person you had an affair with to get the divorce expedited
In Texas, while adultery can be a ground for divorce, it's generally not necessary to name the third party involved. However, this can vary based on specific circumstances. Always consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.
what about louisiana law concerning that
In Louisiana, adultery can be grounds for an immediate divorce, bypassing the usual waiting period. However, you would need to provide evidence. It's recommended to consult with a local attorney for specifics.
what type of evidence would be needed
In Louisiana, evidence of adultery could include photos, videos, emails, text messages, or eyewitness accounts. However, gathering this evidence must be done legally. Consult an attorney for guidance.
could the text messages be admission to a friend of an affair you had
Yes, text messages admitting to an affair could potentially serve as evidence of adultery in a divorce case in Louisiana. However, your attorney would need to verify their authenticity and relevance.
Can someone change from a * divorce to a * during the 6 month separation period in Louisiana
In Louisiana, one can indeed switch from a * divorce to a * divorce during the *-day waiting period. However, certain legal requirements need to be met. It's advisable to consult with an attorney for your specific situation.
what are the legal requirements
In Louisiana, for a * divorce, you must be living separate and apart for 180 days if you have no minor children, or 365 days if you have minor children. Evidence of adultery can bypass this requirement. Consult your attorney for specifics.