False Child Abuse Threats


False reporting of child abuse is a crime in Kansas (KSA 38-2223). Your friend can file for a protection order if threatened (KSA 60-31a01). Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

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Ok my best friend is a single parent of * kids * under * and this woman wants him to date her but he doesn't even like her and she said that she would call child protective services and tell them he abused his kids to threaten him to get kids taken away if he doesn't date her
Hello Mendy, that's a serious issue. Can you please tell me where this is happening? The laws vary by location.
Hello Mendy, in Kansas:
- False reporting of child abuse is a crime (KSA *-*)
- Your friend could potentially file for a protection order if he feels threatened (KSA *-31a01)
Please consult with a local attorney for more specific advice.
You're welcome, Mendy. If your friend needs further assistance, it would be beneficial to contact a local attorney or the Kansas Legal Services. Stay strong and supportive.