Appealing Biased Court Decisions


If you believe a judges decision was biased, you may have the right to appeal. In Arizona, this typically involves filing a Notice of Appeal, preparing the Record on Appeal, and filing an Opening Brief. Consulting with a local attorney or contacting the local legal aid society for free or low-cost consultations is advisable. Additionally, consider reporting judicial misconduct if you firmly believe the judge was biased. Remember, appeals usually have specific time limits, so act promptly.

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Will there a fee for guidance. I have my protection order, but i feel the judge had a bias closing and possibly severed any healthy relationship i could have had with my adult son.
Hello ****, there's no fee for our guidance. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. To provide you with accurate information, could you tell me which state you're in?
Thank you.
Hi ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Can you tell me which state you're in? We need this information to provide you with accurate guidance.
Arizona on Navajo Reservation
Hi ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. If you believe the judge was biased, you may have the right to appeal the decision. Here are some general steps:
- File a Notice of Appeal
- Prepare the Record on Appeal
- File an Opening Brief
It's advisable to consult with a local attorney for more specific guidance.
This is where im unsure if anything could be done.
Hi ****, I understand your concern. You could:
- Consult with a local lawyer for more specific advice
- Contact the local legal aid society, they often provide free or low-cost consultations
- Consider reporting judicial misconduct if you firmly believe the judge was biased.
Remember, it's crucial to act promptly as appeals usually have specific time limits.
The protection order was granted, but closed the case on a bias decision
Hi ****, your situation sounds difficult. If you still believe the decision was biased, you could consider appealing. This process in Arizona typically involves:
- Filing a Notice of Appeal
- Preparing the Record on Appeal
- Filing an Opening Brief
Please consult with a local attorney for detailed guidance.