Claiming Children On Taxes


As the custodial parent, you generally have the right to claim your children as dependents for tax purposes. Given that you have the children 80-90% of the time and are the primary caretaker, you have a strong case. Your modification request could state: As I am the custodial parent and the children reside with me for 80-90% of the time, I am requesting the right to claim them as dependents for tax purposes. Always consult a local attorney to ensure the wording is legally appropriate.

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Hello Mower,
As a custodial parent in the U.S., you generally have the right to claim your children as dependents.
• Include in your modification that you're the custodial parent with primary residence.
• Specify your intention to claim your children on your taxes.
Please consult a local attorney for precise language.
Because i have them *-* % of the time and am the main care taker when father pnly has every ither weekend
Hello Mower,
Given your situation:
• As the primary caretaker,
• Having the kids *-*% of the time,
You have a strong case to claim them as dependents on taxes. Consult your local attorney to ensure your modification is appropriately worded according to your state's law.
How would i word that
Hello Mower,
You could say something like: "Given that I am the primary custodial parent, and the children reside with me *-*% of the time, I request the right to claim them as dependents for tax purposes." Always consult with a local attorney for precise wording.
Hello Mower,
Your statement could be: "As I am the custodial parent and the children reside with me for *-*% of the time, I am requesting the right to claim them as dependents for tax purposes."
Please consult a local attorney to ensure the wording is legally appropriate.