Order Of Protection Guidelines


Inform your mother about the order of protection and its conditions. Ensure she does not allow your ex to interact with your daughter. If your ex violates the order, call the police immediately and document any violations for future legal proceedings. For personalized legal advice, consider contacting a local attorney or the New York Legal Assistance Group.

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Hello Marcy, nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
in *, my daughter and i got an order of protection against my ex/child's father. for context, he is not legally allowed to be near us, other than for visitation of our child, which he doesn't pursue. he hasn't seen his daughter since *, its * now. he also owes over 7k in child support. I've decided to make peace with the fact that he's not a presence in my daughter or my life, and considered it was all for the best, as he's extremely unsafe and volatile to be around. because of this, i can't and made a promise to never go back to my mother's house, which is my childhood neighborhood, because my ex lives in her building. creating this boundary has served me well, but now i am at my wits end. i need a job, but don't have childcare. i previously was given the luxury to be a full-time stay-at-home-mom, because i was receiving government assistance for my rent and bills. now i am no longer eligible for that assistance, so i need to start working within the next few weeks. because of varying circumstances, my mom is my only hope for childcare so i can go to work. i want your help in creating a proposal and plan for my mother to follow now that my daughter will be around the place her dad lives. being that he's so volatile, i predict he will violate the order of protection by trying to talk to my daughter and i when he sees us, inevitably, in passing. for context, i live in new york.
I understand your concern, Marcy. Here are some general guidelines:
*. Inform your mother about the order of protection and its conditions.
*. Your mother should not allow your ex to interact with your daughter.
*. If your ex violates the order, call the police immediately.
*. Document any violations for future legal proceedings.
For legal advice, consider contacting a local attorney or the New York Legal Assistance Group.