Cps Case Duration Explained


CPS in Alaska can keep a case open for assessment and supervision even if initial claims are proven false. For personalized guidance, consult a local attorney.

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I have child protective services snooping around and have a case open for 45 days even though I passed a negative urinary analysis and proved the claim of substance abuse to be false
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Can you please tell me in which state you reside? This information will help me provide you with the most accurate legal guidance possible.
It seems that you didn't specify your state. Could you please provide that information so I can give you the most accurate legal guidance?
Hello ****, in Alaska:
- Child Protective Services (CPS) may keep a case open for assessment and supervision.
- The case may be open even if the initial claim is proven false.
- If you're concerned, consider seeking legal advice from a local attorney.