Indiana Child Custody Laws


In Indiana, both parents have equal rights for custody, and the court considers the childs best interest. Joint custody is possible with a required parenting plan, and the noncustodial parent usually gets visitation rights. The childs preference may be considered at age 14. A full guardian manages the childs personal and financial affairs, makes decisions about education and medical care, decides where the child lives, and is responsible for the childs wellbeing. The fathers request for custody will be evaluated based on his past and current situation.

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Child custody questions
Hello Rebecca, I'd be happy to help with your child custody questions. Could you please specify your location as child custody laws can vary by jurisdiction?
Hello Rebecca, in Indiana:
- Both parents are considered to have equal rights for custody.
- Court considers child's best interest.
- Joint custody is possible, with a parenting plan required.
- Noncustodial parent usually gets visitation rights.
Do you have specific questions regarding these points?
Great, Rebecca. Could you please specify what questions you have regarding these points?
Child is soon to be *. Dads been in prison since she was *. Has no visitations and he is out wanting custody I'm guardian mother has passed
In Indiana:
- The court primarily considers the child's best interest.
- The child's preference may be taken into account at age *.
- The father can request custody, but his past and current situation will be evaluated.
Do you want to know about changing guardianship?
No .
Understood, Rebecca. Is there any other aspect of child custody in Indiana you'd like to know more about?
Great, Rebecca. Could you please specify what aspect of child custody in Indiana you'd like to know more about?
Rights of full guardianship
In Indiana, a full guardian:
- Manages the child's personal and financial affairs.
- Makes decisions about education and medical care.
- Can decide where the child lives.
- Is responsible for the child's wellbeing.
- Can be held accountable by the court for their actions.
Correct thank you
You're welcome, Rebecca. If you have any other questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Wishing you all the best.