School Safety Custody Concerns


Schools in New Jersey must report suspected child abuse to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) and cooperate with investigations. They should not return a child to an unsafe environment. During an emergency custody process, a child may stay with a parent unless a court orders otherwise. If a child feels unsafe with a custodial parent, the other parent can petition the court for a change in custody, and the childs preference may be considered if they are of sufficient age and capacity to reason. Always consult a legal professional for personalized advice.

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new jersey
In New Jersey, schools are obligated to:
- Report any suspicion of child abuse to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP).
- Cooperate with child protection investigations.
- Not interfere with investigations by returning a child to an unsafe environment.

Remember, always consult with a legal professional for advice.
can a child stay with their parent if they are in the process of getting emergency custody
In New Jersey:
- A child may stay with a parent during an emergency custody process, unless a court orders otherwise.
- If there's imminent risk to the child, the other parent or authorities may intervene.
Please consult a legal professional for advice.
if the mother has full custody of a child and the child feels unsafe under her care can the child go live with the father full time
In New Jersey:
- A child's preference may be considered by the court, especially if the child is of "sufficient age and capacity to reason."
- The father would need to petition the court for a change in custody.
- Evidence of the child's safety concerns would be necessary.
Always consult a legal professional for advice.