Cys Home Entry Rules


In Pennsylvania, Child and Youth Services (CYS) can enter your home if you give them permission, have a court order, or believe a child is in immediate danger. For free legal advice, contact the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network or local pro bono services.

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CYF wants to come into my home
I understand your concern. In order to assist you better, could you please tell me which country and state you're located in? Laws regarding child protective services vary by location.
In Pennsylvania, Child and Youth Services (CYS) can only enter your home:
- If you give them permission
- If they have a court order
- If they believe a child is in immediate danger
Please consult with a local attorney for more specific advice.
Who can I seek free advice from
You can seek free legal advice from local legal aid organizations. In Pennsylvania, you can contact the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network. They provide free legal help to low-income individuals. You can also consider pro bono services from local law firms.