Spousal Support Legal Rights


Both Illinois and Missouri recognize a duty to support a spouse, even if recently married. You may have rights to spousal support. Consult a lawyer for detailed advice.

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I live in Illinois, but my husband resides in Missouri could I still get help if he won't give me money
Hello. If you're considering divorce, child support or alimony, laws in both states could apply.
- Illinois: You can file for divorce if you meet residency requirements.
- Missouri: Your husband could be subject to Missouri laws for alimony or child support.
You should consult a lawyer for specific advice.
We just got married last month and he won't help pay bills
Hello. Here are some legal points for you:
- Both Illinois and Missouri recognize a duty to support a spouse.
- You may have rights to spousal support even if you're recently married.
Consider consulting a lawyer for detailed advice.