Unpaid Childcare Services Dispute


If you have a verbal or written agreement for childcare services and payment in Missouri, you can write a formal demand letter asking for payment. If that fails, consider filing a small claims lawsuit. Consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Hello Shawna, nice to meet you! I'm here to provide you with legal information. Could you please tell me what legal issue you're currently facing?
I provide child care at my house and i was babysitting my sons girlfriend's little brothers and sister a long with a couple other children. When the childs mother first askes if i could watch her kids she agreed to pay * a week for just her youngest daughter. She was starting a new job so i knew it would be atleast a couple weeks before she'd get a check which was fine. After about * weeks she started bringing her youngest son too because the oldest brother didn't want to watch him anymore which was fine, i even had them on Thanksgiving. After id say * weeks of her not paying me or even saying anything about when she would be able to pay me i finally asked her and she said she would be able to give me $* the next week which wasn't even half of what she already owed but i said ok. Well the time came and went and she kept making up excuses why she wasn't paying me and then just stopped bringing the kids and told the other parents that it was because I was changing the too much. Well a couple months later she asked me if I could watch them well tshe went to a funeral and she would give me * on the * when she got paid and because im a sucker i said yes. When she picked them up after the funeral she asked if i could start watching them again and stupid me said yes and its now been * weeks and still not a dime from her
Hello Shawna, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please provide me with your location so I can give you the most accurate information?
Jefferson City mo
Hello Shawna, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Missouri, if you have a verbal or written agreement for services and payment, you could:
*. Write a formal demand letter asking for payment.
*. If that fails, consider filing a small claims lawsuit.
Please consult with a local attorney for more personalized advice.